Diallo Ousman Bassarou

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Diallo Ousman Bassarou (* 1906 in Say ; † July 22, 1992 in Niamey ) was a Nigerien civil servant and politician. He was President of the Niger Supreme Court from 1961 to 1974.


Diallo Ousman Bassarou was born in the village of Ganki-Bassarou, part of the town of Say. He attended schools in Say and Dori and then worked in the colonial administration of the French Niger colony. In 1938 he moved from Gouré to the capital Niamey, where he worked in the tax office. Ousman Bassarou supported Hamani Diori in the 1946 election campaign and continued to be a supporter of his Nigerien Progress Party . In the 1950s he received a post as director in the Ministry of Public Service.

After Hamani Diori was elected the first president of independent Niger in 1960, Ousman Bassarou was appointed president of the supreme court in 1961. On April 15, 1974, Seyni Kountché deposed Hamani Diori in a coup. Diallo Ousman Bassarou retired as President of the Supreme Court in May 1974. He was one of the few members of Hamani Diori's political elite who were not arrested. From 1987 until his death he was still head of the canton of Tamou , where he was buried.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ André Salifou: Biographie politique de Hamani Diori. Premier President de la République du Niger . Karthala, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-8111-0202-9 , pp. 269-271.