The eye candy

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German title The eye candy
Original title Coqueluche
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 2018
length 47 minutes
Director Aurélien Peyre
script Aurélien Peyre
production Sonia Buchman
camera Masanori Omori
cut François Quiqueré

Die Augenweide (French original title: Coqueluche ) is a French short film from 2018 based on the script and directed by Aurélien Peyre . The camera was held by Masanori Omori . The main roles are played by Shanen Ricci and Sébastien François . The 47-minute short film was produced by Sonia Buchman and broadcast in the French original with German subtitles on Arte's night program on September 2, 2018 .

The title of the film is ambiguous in French. Actually, la coqueluche is whooping cough , something that you certainly don't want, on the other hand in the phrase être la coqueluche de ... someone is someone's crush or favorite.


Olivier's family spends their vacation on the small island of Bréhat in Brittany . He invites his 19-year-old friend Laurine (Shanen Ricci) there. When Oliver (Sébastien François) pick up Laurine from the ship, he is accompanied by his cousin Juste and his best friend. Laurine, dressed with a nose piercing and pink hot pants , with matching sunglasses and a battery-powered fan, strides from the ship to the pier like a diva. Olivier introduces her to his cousin Juste, making fun of his name, which in French means “exactly”, “correct”, but also “briefly”, whereupon he and his younger brother Martin leave the field.

At a bike rental company, Olivier is still visibly proud of his girlfriend's beauty when the rental company puts the bike on Laurine. Then the two set off by bike and Laurine's luggage to the family's summer house, where Laurine greets the assembled women. Catherine, Olivier's mother, is anything but enthusiastic about Laurine, who is not very stingy with her charms. She comments on a present, an andouille , saying that Laurine would have better brought olives from her area. The ambiguity and symbolism in this dialogue is partially lost in the translation: the word andouille stands for a sausage specialty made from offal in many French regions and, colloquially, for a fool. The answer relates to the fact that this sausage is also made in Brittany, while there are no olives in Brittany.

Later Laurine and Olivier sit with Juste and Martin at the harbor and drink beer. When it comes to paying, Laurine is a bit surprised at the high price of five euros for a small beer, but takes over the joint bill for the four for 55 euros, which they take note of as a matter of course. While Laurine romps around in the sea in the setting sun in a skimpy bathing suit, Juste asks his cousin how he met Laurine. He says that she spoke to him at a university. Juste's friend mimics Laurine and gossips about her when she picks up clams. Olivier protests that Laurine doesn't speak like that after all. The two cousins ​​are further upset when Juste asks his cousin what Laurine is doing on the island. Olivier replies that Laurine is beautiful, fun and natural. In the evening in the room, Laurine and Olivier are making out a little when Olivier's mother knocks. Nobody can sleep because of the music in the room, she laments, and Olivier turns off the radio. They both stop kissing and say goodnight to each other.

The next morning Laurine and Olivier meet Juste and Martin and two other girls, Laure and Victoire, whom Juste has apparently already told about Laurine on the beach. When Laurine picks up a small shell in the sand and onomatopoeically asks where it comes from, Victoire explains that the moon takes care of the tides and creates these waves that throw the shells onto the beach. Laurine answers ironically that she forgot because there are no tides at home. Then Martin and Laurine talk about what they will do for the rest of the vacation. Martin explains that he will go on a language trip and Laurine of working with a friend in Théoule on the Cote d'Azur, for which she will receive 2500 euros plus tip. Victoire interjects that she would work with her mother for the Red Cross in Cambodia in August, but that it is free of charge, on a voluntary basis. When Laurine and Olivier later go for a walk on the beach, Laurine says that she would like to have such a big family. When a little girl runs up and throws seaweed at Laurine, she takes it as fun - or not - and throws the seaweed back, causing the girl to cry. The mother rushes over and angrily asks Laurine if she is insane. She apologizes, it was just fun.

Laurine changes for dinner, even though Olivier tells her they would sit together in comfortable clothes for dinner. Laurine puts on a super short, glittering bright red mini dress and is visibly overdressed. Olivier's mother comments on it as a "Christmas decoration". Laurine later looks for Olivier, who is sitting on a rowing boat with his cousins ​​and the girls. When Justes asked Laurine whether the dress was her “Barbie outfit”, Olivier asks back if Juste was showing his “ass outfit”. Laurine tells Victoire that she likes the ballerinas the girl is wearing. She couldn't wear flat shoes herself, she'd look super stupid in them. Jean-Denis, Olivier's godfather, asks Laurine how long she will be staying at dinner, and when she replies that she will stay as long as you want her there, Juste interjects that the next boat leaves at nine o'clock in the morning, something general Laughter triggers. Laurine sticks her tongue out to Juste, but Olivier is embarrassed; he strokes Laurine apologetically on the shoulder.

After a little incident in the kitchen in which Jean-Denis gives Victoire and Laure a pat on the buttocks - which Laurine forbids - she and Olivier disagree because she doesn't think it's fun. Olivier says it's not that everyone wants to go to bed with her, but Laurine feels that way. Olivier attributes this to the way Laurine dresses. Later at the port, the two meet other young men. When their favorite song is being played, Laurin dances, initially alone because Olivier does not feel like dancing. One of the men openly asks Olivier how Laurine is in bed, then he jumps up and dances with Laurine. Juste, Olivier's mother and other family members join them. Olivier is embarrassed about the situation and angrily refuses to give Laurine a hug later during the July 14th fireworks display.

At some point in the night the two of them, Juste, Victoire and Laure, sit together with two English women. One of the English women suggests a drinking game. One of the participants says what they have never done before, and everyone who has already done that has to take a sip. Anyone who has to drink twice in a row has to pass a test of courage. After all, it is Oliver who is supposed to exchange French kisses with Laure after he had to admit that he had slept with two girls in the group - Laurine and Laure. and the two obviously enjoy it, which leads to dead silence in the group.

Back on the beach, the two English women and Laurine take a bath. She asks Olivier to come into the water, but he prefers to sit with Laure. When he and Juste go pee, Olivier admits it would have been strange kissing Laure. Without braces, they kiss better than before. Juste replies that Olivier can't do anything with Laure as long as Laurine is there. When Laure and Victoire move to a discotheque, Olivier goes with them, leaving Laurine behind. Juste stays behind to let Laurine know as soon as she comes out of the water. However, he tells her the girls went dancing alone and that Oliver is tired and at home. But when Laurine comes into the room, Olivier is not there. She calls him and he admits he is in the discotheque.

Laurine goes to the disco and joins Olivier and Laure dancing closely together. When Laurine tries to confront Olivier, Juste steps in and asks her to find a new friend. Laurine turns and storms off. When Oliver goes to Juste, one of the young men takes the opportunity and tows Laure away. Meanwhile Laurine has arrived in the room and is packing her things. On the way to the pier, she meets Olivier at dawn, who tries to explain to her that there was a misunderstanding because Juste should have let her know. Olivier asks if they should go back into the room, but Laurine replies that she doesn't want to meet his mother and suggests a walk.

They settle down on the beach and Olivier starts kissing Laurine, but she is not in the mood. "Just a quick number," urges Olivier. He takes off her panties and sleeps with her - without Laurine taking off her dress and shoes. Laurine lies impassively under Olivier, looks to the side and fixes a flower to bear Olivier. Afterwards Olivier says he wants to wait with Laurine for the boat at nine o'clock. Laurine asks surprised if she should leave and Olivier says that she has packed her things and taken them with her. That was before, replies Laurine and obviously means the "quick number", but Olivier describes the situation as complicated and it is better if Laurine goes. She bursts into tears. Olivier tries to downplay the whole thing as a little pause, the two of them would "carry on" in Paris. When the completely naked Olivier gets up and smokes a cigarette, Laurine kicks his clothes into a thorn bush, which he doesn't find funny. But you do. She should then hold him so that he can pull his clothes out of the bush without falling into it, Olivier demands. But when he describes her as "stupid", she lets go and he falls headlong into the bush. She takes her things and goes to the port.

When Laurine is sleeping on a bench at the harbor, Laure comes by, takes off her ballerinas and puts them with Laurine's clothes. Then she goes away. Meanwhile Olivier sits in the room and plucks the thorns out of his body. Finally it is morning, the ship is tooting, Laurine wakes up, puts on her ballerinas, takes her things and goes to the ship.

Production details

The film is a Gladys Glover production , supported by the regions of Brittany and Normandy , the Côtes-d'Armor and Arte France. The shooting took place from September 7th to 22nd on the île de Bréhat.


The following pieces of music are played in the short film:


The film was first shown on April 4, 2018 at the Brive Short Film Festival and was awarded the Prix ​​spécial Ciné + . It was also shown at the Pantin Short Film Festival in June 2018 . It aired on Arte on September 2, 2018 . The German-language channel of Arte was broadcast with German subtitles.

Web links

supporting documents

  1. According to French regulations, films with a length of up to 59 minutes are considered short films
  2. French-German: coqueluche . Retrieved January 21, 2019.
  3. ^ Long métrage. Tournage à Bréhat du 7 au 22 septembre (French) , September 4, 2017. Retrieved January 15, 2019.