The Krater Library

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Spine of the series (five volumes of Shakespeare are missing from the picture)

The Krater Library was a series of books published by Franz-Greno in Nördlingen , in which 22 volumes and an almanac appeared between 1985 and 1989 .

Authors and Topics

The main project of the Krater Library, named after the Nördlinger meteorite crater, was the new edition of the Shakespeare translations by Christoph Martin Wieland , which, however, was discontinued after eight volumes and could only be fully realized by Haffmans Verlag in the 1990s . Other authors of the Krater Library were Johann Beer , Wilhelm Heinse , Achim von Arnim , Johann Gottfried Seume (with two volumes), Johann Karl Wezel , Marcel Schwob and John Webster (also with two volumes). In addition to authors from the 16th to 18th centuries, the book series also contained five literary anthologies: Genius and Money , edited by Karl Corino, The animal that doesn't exist. About the unicorn , edited by Jochen Hörisch, In der Kutsche durch Europa , edited by Helmut Popp, A garter belt for my love of love , edited by Jonathan von Alb, and The blue book. Readings of a color , edited by Angelika Lochmann. In some cases there were overlaps and additions with the Other Library, also published by Greno , for example with authors such as Seume and Arnim, who appeared in both series. Likewise, in the case of Wezel and Wieland, references between the Krater library and the series of Haidnian antiquities published by authors rediscovered by Arno Schmidt can also be shown . Dr Faustus by Christopher Marlowe, which was actually also intended for the Krater Library, was only published by Greno in 1988 in a full leather special edition in a larger format and without the series logo.


The Krater Library was, alongside the better known Other Library, the second ambitious and bibliophile book series from Greno Verlag, which was initially furnished with particular care. These included thread stitching , silk binding, cover embossing and multicolored metal type printing on high-quality 100 g paper. All volumes in the crater library are published in large octaves (24 × 16.5 cm) with a bookmark and a uniform blue dust jacket. The fonts used are all Cicero monotypes (Bodoni, Walbaum, Garamond, Bembo, Albion) or Neo Didot and Old French. Of the volumes edited between 1985 and 1988, Greno published an all-leather-bound precious special edition in a slipcase. The last volume in the collection, In the Carriage Through Europe , appeared in 1989 only in a normal edition with an embossed cardboard cover and dust jacket.



  • Almanac of the Krater Library. The first year. Noerdlingen 1986.