The time of the innocent

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Original title The time of the innocent
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1964
length 95 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Thomas Fantl
script Thomas Fantl
Siegfried Lenz
production Peter Carsten
music Hans Posegga
camera Georg Krause
cut Elisabeth Imholte

The time of the innocent is a German feature film from 1964. The film was made after almost eponymous drama of the debt lots of Siegfried Lenz , which was first performed on 19 June 1961 at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg under the direction of Peter Gorski. Lenz also worked on the script. For director Thomas Fantl it was the debut film.


The film is set in a country that is suffering from a dictatorship . A group of resistance fighters plans and carries out an assassination attempt on the dictator. However, the assassination failed and one of the group was arrested. The henchmen know that he could not have acted alone and torture him. The pressure on the prisoner increases when the dictator arrests nine innocents and locks them in a cell with him. They should do everything possible to squeeze the names of the co-conspirators out of him, only then would they be released again. The methods range from torture to persuasion, but the prisoner holds tight. Eventually they kill the prisoner and are released from prison.

Years later the dictatorship collapsed and the country was free again. However, the murder of the resistance fighter has not been forgotten. The nine men come to court. Nobody confesses to murder, instead they try to blame everything on joint action and have moral excuses for this. The process only comes to a conclusion when the least intelligent person pleads guilty to the act. The result has only one flaw: this man did not commit the murder.


“Siegfried Lenz's time-critical thought game about the objective and subjective guilt of the individual in a community subject to changing power and moral laws. In a totalitarian regime, nine impeccable citizens are supposed to induce an assassin to betray his accomplices. One murdered the assassin; four years later they all have to answer. The tendency towards brooding didactics, which was already attached to the radio play and stage presentation, and the lack of intellectual clarity are reinforced by the lack of visual implementation. "


The film took part in the competition at the Berlinale 1964 , where it premiered on June 30, 1964. It received an honorable mention when the festival's youth film prize was awarded.

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Individual evidence

  1. The time of the innocent. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed February 27, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used