Ranks of the Soviet armed forces 1918–1935

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First distinction badge of the Soviet armed forces from August 1918, here ranks soldiers / teams “Red Guard” and “Tamaner Army”.

In the period from 1918 to 1935 , the political elites of the young Soviet Union put all ideas of bourgeois military science under general suspicion of counterrevolution . Among other things, the Russian tradition of using epaulettes and shoulder pieces as badges of distinction was rigorously broken.

First distinction badge

In the initial period of the October Revolution , newly formed and regrouped units of the old Russian Imperial Army were used. Outward signs were new names and the abolition of shoulder pieces and epaulettes as distinctive badges for all ranks and ranks.

The first all-encompassing unit rank designation in the entire area of ​​the Red Army was Red Army ( Russian Красноармеец Krasnoarmeez ), which was completely inadequate for the entire area of ​​the army. Since there was no alternative to immediate solutions, unofficial names such as “Roter Kommandeur or Heerführer” (ru: Kraskom) soon emerged, from which “KomandArme” and the later rank designations KomandArm I and KomandArm II emerged. Brigade commanders received the personal ranks KomBrig and division commanders KomDiw . Since there were no precisely defined badges of distinction, the red ribbons, cap ribbons, chevrons and Soviet stars that were worn in the Red Guard associations were used. The distinction badges to be used were decreed in 1920.

Red Star

The first official emblem, as a sign of membership of the Red Army, was introduced in April 1918 in the form of a chest badge (red fabric bow and oak leaf branch, in the middle a star with a plow and hammer). From the summer of the same year the cap cockade was arranged in the form of a five-pointed star with a hammer and plow in the center. At times, two beams pointed upwards before the uniform way of wearing, two beams towards 6 o'clock, one beam towards 12 o'clock, had prevailed. With order number 953 and order 1691 of the “Revolutionary Military Council” of the Red Army, the shape and manner of wearing the cap's cockade in the form of a star were ordered.

designation Chest badge & cap cockade of the Red Army from April 1922
Emblem of the Russian SFSR (1918-1920) .svg Red Army Star 1918.png Red star Red Army 05.gif Red Army Star 1922.jpg Soviet Red Star Insignia.png
designation Chest badge, Soviet star
(with plow & hammer in the center)
Star cockade
Badge according to
order № 953
(dated April 13, 1922)
Badge according to
order № 1691
(dated July 11, 1922)

Distinction badge, rank and uniform

By order of April 25, 1918 from the People's Commissariat for Defense, a temporary committee was set up to work out proposals for uniforms for the so-called “Red Guard”.

The All-Russian Central Executive Committee approved the proposals on November 29, 1918 and also had the following rankings:

Distinction badge in command of the Red Army according to the order of RMR № 116 of January 16, 1919.
  • Red Army soldier (original name Krasnoarmeez)
  • Sub-unit leaders (Komandir otdelenija - in short Komot / Otdeljonnyi komandir [Fig. 1])
  • Assistant / Deputy Platoon Leader (Pomostschnik komandira wswoda - short: Pomkomwswoda [Fig. 2])
  • Company sergeant (Starschina roty), battery sergeant (Starschina baterei), squadron sergeant (Starschina eskadrony) or Sotni [Fig. 3]
  • Platoon leader (Komandir wswoda - short: Komwswoda [Fig. 4])
  • Assistant company commander (Pomostschik komandira roty - short: Pomkomroty), assistant squadron chief (Pomostschik komandira eskadrony - short: Pomkomesk) initially only as a service position
  • Company commander (Komandir roty - short: Komroty), squadron chief (Komandir eskadrony - short: Komesk [Fig. 5])
  • Assistant battalion commander (Pomostschik komadira bataljona - short: Pomkombat) initially only as a service position
  • Battalion commander (Komandir bataljona - short: Kombat [Fig. 6])
  • Regimental commander (Komandir polka - short: Kompolka [Fig. 7])
  • Brigade commander (Komandir brigady - short: Kombrig [Fig. 8])
  • Divisional commander or head of division (Natschalnik diwisii - short: Natschdiw [Fig. 9])
  • Corps commander (Komandir korpusa - short: Komkor) initially only as a service position
  • Army commander (Komandujuschtschi armii - short: Komdarm [Fig. 10])
  • Front commander (Komandujuschtschi fronta - short: Komfronta [Fig. 11])

On December 18, 1918, the “Revolutionary Military Council” confirmed the uniform proposals, including three different headgear and different distinctive badges to identify the relevant position. The official confirmation took place on January 16, 1919 with order number 116 of the "Revolutionary Military Council" (see Fig. 1 to 11).

Distinction badges and ranks 1924 to 1935

Name of the service position Collar
in the army
(according to command RMS USSR № 807 of June 20, 1924)
in the air force in the naval war fleet
Teams No Red Army soldier Red aviator Red sailor RA I K0 1924v1.gif RAF N R1RedNavyMan 1918-1945.gif
K1 Squad leader
(командир звена, komandir swena)
Auxiliary machinist
(младший моторист, mladschi motorist)
Group leader
(командир группы, komandir gruppy)
RA I K1b 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 1a.svg
Assistant sub-unit leader
(помощник командира отделения, pomoschtschnik komandira otdelenija)
Sub-unit leader RA I K1a 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 1b.svg
K2 Assistant platoon leader
(помощник командира звода, pomoschtschnik komandira swoda)
  • Deputy Head of Combat Section
  • Captain
RA I K2b 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 2a.svg
Starschina Company (старшина роты, Starschina
Chief machinist RA I K2a 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 2b.svg
K3 Platoon leader (командир звода, komandir swoda) RA I K3 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 3.svg
  • Assistant company commander, battery, squadron
  • Independent train driver
Sub-pilot Assistant Watch Officer RA I K4 1924.jpg
  • Company commander, battery, squadron
  • Political leader of the company, battery, squadron
Chain commander
  • Ship commander 4th class
  • Senior assistant ship commander 3rd class and equivalent
RA I K5 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 5.svg
  • Commander's assistant or political leader battalion, department, squadron
  • Chief independent company
Commander flying group
  • Ship commander 3rd class
  • Senior assistant ship commander 2nd class and equivalent
RA I K6 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 6.svg
  • Battalion commander, department commander
  • War Commissioner Battalion, Department
Squadron commander 2nd class ship commander RA I K7 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 7.svg
  • Assistant regimental commander
  • Commander of an independent battalion / independent division
Squadron commander of an independent air force First assistant ship commander 1st class and assimilated RA I K8 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 8.svg
K9 Regimental commander Commander of the air park / air base Ship commander 1st class and assimilated RA I K9 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 9.svg
  • Brigade commander
  • Assistant Division Commander
Commander Fliegerstaffel Commander naval brigade / ship brigade RA I K10 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 10.svg
K11 Division commander Commander of the Air Brigade Commander ship squadron RA I K11 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 11.svg
  • Corps commander
  • Assistant army commanders and equals
no equivalent Commander Flotilla RA I K12-13 1924.jpg Red Fleet Insignia 12.svg
K13 Assistant Commander Military District Assistant Commander Air Force of the Red Army Commander in Chief of the Navy, Commander in Chief of the Naval Forces of the USSR Red Fleet Insignia 13.svg
  • Commander of a military district, army or front
  • Member of the "Revolutionary Military Council" district
Commander Air Force of the Red Army no equivalent RA I K14 1924.jpg not provided

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Order number 953 of the " Revolutionary Military Council " of the Red Army of April 13, 1922 on the shape and design of the cap cockade of the "Red Workers 'and Peasants' Army".
  2. ^ Order number 1691 of the "Revolutionary Military Council" of the Red Army of July 11, 1922 on the new shape and design of the cap cockade of the "Red Workers 'and Peasants' Army".
  3. Order of April 25, 1918 by the People's Commissariat for Defense to form a temporary committee to work out proposals for uniforms for the so-called “Red Guard”.
  4. ^ Decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of November 29, 1918 ... to approve the proposals regarding uniforms for the so-called "Red Guard" ... and the determination of rankings.
  5. ^ Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR); Red Workers and Peasants Army (RABA); Badge of rank land forces 1924-1935 according to the order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 1244 of October 2, 1924, here small collar tabs (raspberry-colored with black border) for uniform blouse (infantry and other army units and facilities).