Dieter Wuttke

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Dieter Wuttke (born October 12, 1929 in Fürstenwalde / Spree ) is a German philologist , cultural scientist and art historian .

Dieter Wuttke, 2010. Photo: Sarah Böhlau.

life and work

After graduating from high school in Itzehoe , where the large family fled in April 1945 before the invasion of the Russian troops, Wuttke studied German philology, Latin studies and history in Hamburg , Saarbrücken and Tübingen from 1950 to 1956 . In 1956 he passed the 1st state examination for higher education in Tübingen and received his doctorate from Friedrich Beißner and Ernst Zinn at the end of the year (certificate of the dissertation masch. 1958). As early as 1953, Wuttke had come into contact with the Warburg Institute ( Gertrud Bing ) in London and with Erwin Panofsky at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, after Panofsky's work on Hercules at the Crossroads and other ancient visuals in modern art had played a major role in him since the end of 1950 own research. He passed the 2nd state examination for higher education in 1958 in Bremen and then worked there until Easter 1962 as a study assessor at the old grammar school . Encouraged and supported by the old German scholar Karl Stackmann , he switched to the University of Bonn as a habilitation scholarship holder and lecturer for older German philology until the spring of 1966 , before he became a senior lecturer in the university service for older German philology in Göttingen . Habilitated there in 1971 with a thesis on Sebastian Brant's relationship to the interpretation of miracles and astrology , which was unusual for the research and university political situation at the time , Wuttke was Professor of German Philology of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Göttingen from 1971 to spring 1979 and thus owner of the first epochs comprehensive German professorship of this kind in the Federal Republic . From 1972 on, he was also the director of the Department of German Philology, and in 1975/76 he was Dean of the Department of Classical and Medieval Philologies. Through his initiative, Renaissance philology was included as a major in the Göttingen doctoral regulations.

From 1979 until his retirement in March 1995, Wuttke taught at the University of Bamberg as the holder of the chair he founded for German Philology of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period . With the establishment of this chair title, he drew the conclusions from the research of the historians of old Europe as well as the Romanist Ernst Robert Curtius and the Germanist Friedrich Ohly , who have shown that the epoch from 6th / 8th Century to 18th century represents a continuum and that the Latin language and literature of the European nations (and thus of the German-speaking area) as well as the national languages ​​and literatures must be indispensably the subject of the respective philology. Wuttke headed the department for renaissance research in Bamberg, where u. a. the bibliography on Aby M. Warburg's work and effects was compiled as well as the extensive five-volume edition of the Erwin-Panofsky correspondence.

Wuttke is editor of the interdisciplinary series Saecvla Spiritalia founded in 1979 (vol. 53, 2020); to vol. 44, 2006, he published the Gratia series, founded together with Stephan Füssel in 1977 , which since 2007 with Joachim Knape as main editor has now been titled Gratia - Tübinger Schriften zur Vormoderne, Renaissanceforschung und Kulturwissenschaft . From 1971 to 2017 he was co-editor of the print edition of the yearbook Humanistica Lovaniensia. Journal of Neo-Latin Studies.

From 1965 to 1970 Wuttke was a founding member of the Humanist Working Group and then until 1978 of the Senate Commission for Humanism Research of the German Research Foundation . In 1971 he co-founded the International Neo-Latin Society in Leuven. In 1975 he accepted a special invitation to the Warburg Institute in London and since then has been in good contact with the directors Ernst Hans Gombrich and Joseph Burney Trapp . In the winter of 1975/76 he taught as a visiting professor at the University of Hamburg and, in 1978, was the first humanities scholar to accept an invitation to the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague (Department for Greek and Latin Studies). In 1986 he was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and in the following years a fellow at research institutions in Washington, DC, Santa Monica and Los Angeles. In 1990 his research was supported by the Volkswagen Foundation with an academy grant. In 2002 he was a guest at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Viseu. He is an Honorary Research Fellow of Westfield College in London (part of Queen Mary, University of London ) and Corresponding Member of the Institute of Modern Languages ​​Research, School of Advanced Study ibid. Since 2011 he has been a member of the Advisory Board of Eduard Bargheer-Gesellschaft eV in Hamburg.

He served the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft from 1971 to 1983 as a member of the project advisory board for the directory of the printed books of the 16th century published in the German-speaking area , from 1974 to 1977 as a member of the project advisory board for the work special collections in German libraries , in 1978 as a member of the project advisory board for the Incunabulum catalog of the Bavarian State Library in Munich and from 1979 to 1995 as a liaison professor for the University of Bamberg .

The focus of Wuttke's work, apart from medieval teaching, lies in the areas of interdisciplinary research on humanism and renaissance, art history and the history of art history, the history of science, urban iconology, personal history, social and theater history, book studies and the Edition theory. He is z. B. Co-author of the recommendations for the edition of early modern texts (1981) and gave the Willibald-Pirckheimer exchange of letters, which had stalled for decades, a new foundation with Volume III (1989), so that the editor for volumes IV to VII could also take over the editorial office. Wuttke did fundamental work for the reception of the works and research methods of the art and cultural historians Aby M. Warburg and Erwin Panofsky, which were driven out of Germany in 1933 . With the edition of the selected writings and appreciations of Aby M. Warburg in 1979, he provided research with the foundation for bringing the concerns and methods of the art historian back into the scientific discourse. As explained above, the Warburg student Erwin Panofsky moved into Wuttke's focus early on, in whose works he saw a fruitful scientific concept realized: “[...] the uniform mastery of mathematical, philosophical, aesthetic, art-historical, historical and philological knowledge and methods, so a how Transdisciplinarity that appears to be effortless [...]. "From the very beginning, what was central to him was the understanding of science first conveyed to him by his ancient philology teacher and later friend Ernst Zinn , which stimulated him to research and teach across disciplinary boundaries and ultimately led to the formulation of a comprehensive educational concept. as it had already been realized once before in Renaissance humanism , also encompassing the arts . Due to the close methodological, but also personal connection to Panofsky, his colleagues, friends and family, Wuttke was able to produce an extensive five-volume selection edition of up to this point between 2001 and 2011, starting with preparatory work in the late eighties of the last century Publication of Erwin Panofsky's letters, largely unknown at the time. This almost 7,000-page edition, which replaces Panofsky's unwritten autobiography and is a unique document of microhistory, was completed in 2014 by a further volume containing lists, registers and supplements.

In 2003 Wuttke was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit. He lives and works in Bamberg.


  • The Histori Herculis of the Nuremberg humanist and friend of the Vischer brothers, Pangratz Bernhaubt called Schwenter . Materials for research into German humanism around 1500, Cologne 1964.
  • German German Studies and Renaissance Research, Homburg vdH 1968. (Also added in between. )
  • Ed .: Carnival Games of the 15th and 16th Centuries , Stuttgart 1973. 7th edition 2006.
  • Aby M. Warburg's method as a suggestion and task , Göttingen 1977. 4th, extended edition Wiesbaden 1990.
  • Ed. In connection with Carl Georg Heise: Aby M. Warburg. Selected writings and appreciations , Baden-Baden 1979. Extended and supplemented editions 1980, 1992.
  • Harlequin metamorphoses. In: Commedia dell'arte. Harlequin on the European stages , Bamberg 1981. 3rd edition Wiesbaden 1997, pp. 61–84.
  • Didactic poetry as a problem of literary criticism and literary evaluation. An essay on science policy. Friedrich Dürrenmatt - Günter Grass - The knitter. In: From Wolfram and Petrarch to Goethe and Grass . Studies in Honor of Leonard Forster. Ed. DH Green, LP Johnson, Dieter Wuttke, Baden-Baden 1982, pp. 603-622. (Also in between. )
  • On the historicity of literature . Fragments of an educational policy inventory, Bamberg 1984. (Revised also in Inbetween. )
  • Humanism as an integrative force. The Philosophia of the German 'archhumanist' Conrad Celtis . An iconological study of programmatic graphics by Dürer and Burgkmairs, Nuremberg 1985. (Revised and supplemented also in In-Between. )
  • Nuremberg: Focal Point of German Culture and History. A lecture. - Nuremberg as a symbol of German culture and history. A lecture , Bamberg 1987. 2nd edition 1988. (German version also added in between. )
  • Ed .: Cosmopolis of Science. ER Curtius and the Warburg Institute . Letters 1928 to 1953 and other documents, Baden-Baden 1989.
  • Ed .: Willibald Pirckheimer's correspondence . III. Tape. Edited by Helga Scheible, Munich 1989.
  • The humanist Willibald Pirckheimer - name giver for a mathematical and scientific high school? A contribution to overcoming the 'two cultures', Nuremberg 1994.
  • In between . Cultural studies on Warburg's footsteps. 2 volumes, Baden-Baden 1996.
  • Erwin Panofsky's Hercules book after sixty-seven years. In: Erwin Panofsky: Hercules at the crossroads and other ancient images in modern art (1930). Reprint Berlin 1997. Here afterword with its own page number from 1 to 96.
  • Aby M. Warburg Bibliography 1966 to 1995 . Work and effect. Baden-Baden 1998.
  • The Belle Époque and the questionnaire . A Trouvaile: Aby M. Warburg's Answers, Bamberg 1999.
  • Latin and art history. A contribution to the method problem. In: Art - Politics - Religion . Festschrift for Franz Matsche. Edited by Markus Hörsch and Elisabeth Oy-Marra, Petersberg 2000, pp. 177–191.
  • About the connection between the sciences and the arts . With an annotated bibliography, Wiesbaden 2003. (Portuguese 2002, English 2005.)
  • Together with Björn Biester: Aby M. Warburg bibliography 1996 to 2005 , Baden-Baden 2007. (Continued by Björn Biester as blog 2006ff. [1] )
  • Ed .: Erwin Panofsky: Correspondence 1910 to 1968 . An annotated selection in five volumes, Wiesbaden 2001–2011. (Vol. I, 2001; II, 2003; III, 2006; IV, 2008; V, 2011.)
  • Panofsky and the "Warburg Serum". In: Aby M. Warburg. Torment o tempo eo movimento de uma elipse? Estudios sobre Aby M. Warburg. Coord. Anabela Mendes, Isabel Matos Dias, José M. Justo, Peter Hanenberg, Lisboa 2012, pp. 35–48.
  • The ornamental square. Forms, functions, history, uncertainties of interpretation, especially with regard to Dürer. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 88, 2013, pp. 111–118.
  • Accumulations . Supplementary volume to the Erwin Panofsky correspondence 1910 to 1968. With the collaboration of Petra Schöner, Wiesbaden 2014.
  • German Renaissance humanism. Proposal for an appropriate definition with a focus on Nuremberg and Vienna. In: Pirckheimer-Jahrbuch 28, 2014, pp. 109–120. Extended in: Human - Science - Magic. Announcements from the Austrian Society for the History of Science 32, 2016, pp. 25–39.
  • From person to genealogy. News about the Nuremberg humanist and holder of municipal offices Pangratz Schwenter d. Ä. In: Yearbook for Franconian State Research 75, 2015, pp. 73–96.
  • Panofsky's Warburg - Warburg's Panofsky. In: Journal of the Association for Hamburg History 101, 2015, pp. 87–113. (Italian 2016).
  • Virgil Solis adapted two woodcuts by the Amores by Conradus Celtis Protucius. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 91, 2016, pp. 150–168.
  • Erwin Panofsky (1892–1968). In: The Routledge Companion to Medieval Iconography. Ed. by Colum Hourihane. London - New York 2017, pp. 105–122.
  • Focus · Panofsky. Contributions to the life and work of Erwin Panofsky. With additions to the correspondence and the again expanded Panofsky bibliography 1914 to 1969/73 . Published by Petra Schöner. Baden-Baden 2018. [2]

List of publications last in:

  • Artium conjunctio. Cultural studies and early modern research . Articles for Dieter Wuttke. Edited by Petra Schöner and Gert Hübner. Baden-Baden 2013, pp. 499–564 (writings 1951 to 2013.)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Erwin Panofsky: Hercules at the crossroads and other ancient images in modern art , Leipzig a. Berlin, GB Teubner, 1930. (= Studies of the Warburg Library. Ed. By Fritz Saxl. Vol. XVIII).
  2. Unprinted. Cf. Dieter Wuttke: Sebastian Brant's relationship to the interpretation of miracles and astrology. In: Studies on German literature and language in the Middle Ages . Festschrift for Hugo Moser on his 65th birthday. Edited by Werner Besch a. a., Berlin 1974, pp. 272-286. (See also in between ).
  3. See e.g. B. Ernst Robert Curtius: European literature and the Latin Middle Ages . Second improved u. supplemented edition, Tübingen 1953.
  4. Christel Meier: Between historical semiotics and philological comparative literature. Friedrich Ohly's work and effect. In: Eckart Conrad Lutz (ed.): The Middle Ages and the Germanists. On the recent history of methods in Germanic Philology, Freiburg (Switzerland) 1998, pp. 63–91.
  5. Dieter Wuttke: German Philology of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age. In: "Schimpf und Ernst." Farewell words from Dieter Wuttke, Baden-Baden 1995, pp. 71–74.
  6. Aby M. Warburg Bibliography 1866 to 1995 . Work and Effect, Baden-Baden 1998, and (together with Björn Biester) Aby M. Warburg Bibliography 1996 to 2005 . With annotations and additions to the bibliography 1866 to 1995, Baden-Baden 2007.
  7. ^ Ed .: Erwin Panofsky: Correspondence 1910 to 1968 . An annotated selection in five volumes, Wiesbaden 2001–2011 (Vol. I, 2001; II, 2003; III, 2006; IV, 2008; V, 2011.)
  8. Dieter Wuttke: Para uma visão holística das ciências e das artes. Viseu - Coimbra, 2002.
  9. organs . Eduard Bargheer Society eV. Retrieved March 13, 2019.
  10. Recommendations for the edition of early modern texts of the “Working Group of Extra-University Research Institutions”. In: Yearbook of historical research in the Federal Republic of Germany . Reporting year 1980, Stuttgart 1981, pp. 85–96.
  11. ^ Willibald Pirckheimer's correspondence . III. Tape. Using the preliminary work by Emil Reicke and Josef Pfanner, edited by Helga Scheible. Edited by Dieter Wuttke, Munich 1989.
  12. ^ Willibald Pirckheimer's correspondence . Using the preliminary work of Emil Reicke and Josef Pfanner edited and ed. von Helga Scheible, Munich 1997–2009 (Vol. IV, 1997; V, 2001; VI, 2004; VII, 2009.)
  13. Ed., In connection with Carl Georg Heise: Aby M. Warburg. Selected writings and appreciations , Baden-Baden 1979. Extended and supplemented editions 1980, 1992.
  14. ^ Dieter Wuttke: Erwin Panofsky's life and work. In: Erwin Panofsky: Correspondence 1910 to 1968 . An annotated selection in five volumes. Edited by Dieter Wuttke, here vol. I, Wiesbaden 2001, p. XVIII.
  15. Cf. Dieter Wuttke: German Philology of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times. In: "Schimpf und Ernst." Farewell words from Dieter Wuttke, Baden-Baden 1995, pp. 71–74.
  16. Dieter Wuttke: About the connection between the sciences and the arts . With an annotated bibliography, Wiesbaden 2003. (Portuguese 2002, English 2005.)
  17. Petra Schöner: Autobiography in Letters. The edition of the Erwin Panofsky correspondence has been completed. In: Human - Science - Magic . Announcements of the Austrian Society for the History of Science 29, 2012, pp. 199–210.
  18. Dieter Wuttke: Cumulations . Supplementary volume to the Erwin Panofsky correspondence 1910 to 1968. With the collaboration of Petra Schöner, Wiesbaden 2014.