Dietrich Mücke

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Karl August Dietrich Mücke (born October 6, 1920 in Rybnik , Poland , † June 10, 2014 in Rostock ) was a German physician.


Dietrich Mücke was born in the Polish city of Rybnik . In 1939 he passed the Abitur in Sankt Afra in Meißen . He then studied human medicine at the Universities of Göttingen and Leipzig until 1948 . He received his PhD in 1948 for Dr. med. with the dissertation The eosinophilic leukocytes in peripheral blood and their numerical variability at the University of Leipzig, where he worked first as an assistant, then as a senior assistant.

In 1954 one of his main works appeared with the introduction to microbiological determination methods by Verlag Thieme Leipzig, which was published for the second time in 1957.

In 1955, Dietrich Mücke completed his habilitation on the subject of influencing the growth and metabolism of the test fungus Allescheria boydii Shear 1699 in Leipzig. He then worked there as a lecturer before he was appointed professor with a teaching position for physiological chemistry at the University of Rostock in 1959 . In 1960 Dietrich Mücke was elected an affiliate of the Royal Society of Medicine in London . In 1963 he was appointed professor with chair and in 1969 full professor for biochemistry at the University of Rostock.

In 1972 Dietrich Mücke became a member of the Council for Academic Degrees at the Ministry for Higher and Technical Schools in the GDR.

In 1986, at the age of 66, he retired. On February 9, 1990, Dietrich Mücke was elected as an external member of the Academy of Charitable Sciences in Erfurt with a seat and vote in the mathematical and natural science class.

His main research interests were physiological chemistry and medicinal biochemistry, about which he has also published several times.


  • 1959 and 1971 badge of honor from the University of Leipzig
  • 1973 Medal of Merit of the GDR
  • 1980 and 1984 university prize from the University of Rostock
  • 1981 Humboldt Medal


  • Josef Brock: eulogy for the 90th birthday . In: Ärzteblatt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern , vol. 20 (2010), issue 10, pp. 382–383.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry in the Academy's yearbook