Diplazon laetatorius

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Diplazon laetatorius
Diplazon laetatorius

Diplazon laetatorius

Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Family : Wasps (Ichneumonidae)
Subfamily : Diplazontinae
Genre : Diplazon
Type : Diplazon laetatorius
Scientific name
Diplazon laetatorius
( Fabricius , 1781)
Diplazon cf laetatorius.jpg
Hoverfly pupa parasitized by Diplazon laetatorius

Diplazon laetatorius is a parasitic wasp from the subfamily of Diplazontinae .


The ichneumon wasps reach a body length of 4–7 mm. The size is essentially dependent on the host animal. The parasitic wasps have a distinctive coloring of the posterior tibia . These are black at the base. This is followed by a white section, a black section and finally a red-brown area at the apical end. The rear tarsi are black. The posterior femora are reddish brown. The front and middle pairs of legs are completely red-brown in color. The head, antennae and thorax are colored black. A white line drawing runs along the inner edge of the eye. A white line runs across the shoulders. The base of the wings is also colored white. The label has a white spot. The middle tergites are red, while the base of the abdomen and the end of the abdomen are colored black. The wing mark is cream-colored at the basal end, otherwise black.


Diplazon laetatorius is distributed almost all over the world (all continents except Antarctica) and is possibly the hymenoptera species with the greatest geographic distribution. In Europe they occur in the north as far as Scandinavia and Iceland.

Way of life

Diplazon laetatorius parasitizes the eggs and larvae of various hoverflies (20 genera). The egg laying (oviposition) takes place in the host egg or in the host larva. The finished ichneumon wasp later hatches from the host pupa. The host types include u. a. the hover fly ( Episyrphus balteatus ), Eupeodes corollae and representatives of the genera Melanostoma and Sphaerophoria . Since the hoverfly larvae are predators of tube aphids (Aphididae), the parasitic wasps usually find them in aphid colonies. The level of parasitization can be very high. Since the host fly larvae are considered beneficial insects, the parasitic wasp species would be a pest in a certain way. The ichneumon wasps can be seen from June to early October. The adults feed on the nectar of various umbelliferae .

Individual evidence

  1. Almindelig Svirrefluesnyltehveps . www.fugleognatur.dk. Retrieved October 12, 2019.
  2. a b Diplazon laetatorius . bugguide.net. Retrieved October 12, 2019.
  3. Diplazon laetatorius at Fauna Europaea. Retrieved October 12, 2019
  4. a b Diplazon laetatorius (Fabricius, 1781) (a diplazontine ichneumon) . www.bioinfo.org.uk. Retrieved October 12, 2019.
  5. Diplazon laetatorius . www.naturespot.org.uk. Retrieved October 12, 2019.

Web links

Commons : Diplazon laetatorius  - collection of images, videos and audio files