Diran Kelekian

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Diran Kelekian

Diran Kelekian (also Dikran Kelegian, Armenian Տիրան Քէլէկեան , * 1862 in Kayseri ; † October 20, 1915 in Central Anatolia , executed) was an Ottoman journalist and scholar of Armenian origin. He was a Freemason and a member of the Ramgavar party and was a victim of the Armenian genocide .


Kelekian received his training at Armenian schools in Istanbul and then in Marseille . In Istanbul he worked for various Turkish newspapers. Kelekian served as secretary (manager) of the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople . In the final years of Sultan Abdulhamid II's reign , Kelekian had to flee to London, where he wrote for British newspapers. After the Young Turkish Revolution of 1908, he became editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper " Sabah " and president of the Istanbul Press Association. Friedrich Schrader , who lived in Istanbul from 1891 to 1918 and himself founded an Istanbul daily newspaper, the German- and French-language “ Ottoman Lloyd ” and headed it as deputy editor-in-chief, wrote about his friend in 1919 in the SPD theory magazine “ Die Neue Zeit ” Diran Kelekian and the "Sabah":

“At the beginning of the war, the Armenian-Turkish publicist Diran (Dikran) Kelekian tried to fight against the narrowness of political opinion in the newspaper“ Sabah ”. But in 1916 he was executed for alleged treason. The "Sabah" then passed into the hands of the committee. (Meant is the " Committee for Unity and Progress ", the then party of the Young Turks) "

As a professor at Istanbul University , he was the academic teacher of numerous leading figures of the Young Turkish movement and the later Turkish Republic. Despite this, Kelekian, like all leading figures in the Istanbul Armenian community, was a victim of the wave of arrests on April 24th and 25th, 1915, deported to Çankırı in Central Anatolia, and killed on October 20th, 1915 between Yozgat and Kayseri at the level of the Cokgöz bridge over the Kızılırmak .


  • Hayat. 1913. (ie Life Turkish translation of the Armenian short stories by Krikor Zohrab 1911; a French new edition was published in 2005 by éd. Parenthèses La vie comme elle est ).
  • Tarih-i Siyasî-i Umumî. 1913.
  • Kamûs-ı Fransevî. 1911. (Illustrated Turkish-French dictionary published posthumously in 1928)


  • Kevork Pamukciyan: Biyografileriyle Ermeniler. Vol. 4. Aras-Verlag, Istanbul 2003, ISBN 975-7265-54-5 .
  • Selcuk Aksin Somel: Historical Dictionary of the Ottoman Empire. The Scarecrow Press, 2003, ISBN 0-8108-4332-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. Grigoris Palak'ean : Le Golgotha ​​arménien: de Berlin à Deir-es-Zor . 1st edition. Le Cerle d'Écrits Caucasiens, La Ferté-sous-Jouarre 2002, ISBN 978-2-913564-08-4 , pp. 95-102 (French).
  2. Martin Hartmann: Non-political letters from Turkey. Verlag Rudolf Haupt, Leipzig 1910, p. 142.
  3. Friedrich Schrader: Political Life in Turkey. In: The New Time. Volume 37, Volume 2, 1919, pp. 460–466, quotation on page 463 below