Direct dialogue

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Direct dialogue in a pedestrian zone

Direct dialogue , also face-to-face , or F2F for short , is a form of fundraising in which supporting members for non-profit organizations are to be recruited from employees of an agency. Direct dialogue is also a form of direct marketing and cold calling .


The direct dialogue is carried out by "dialogues" - mostly young people who usually work on a short-term basis for companies that specialize in direct dialogue. These in turn receive a share of the income from the clients. For example, DialogDirect received from Amnesty International (AI) just under seven percent of AI's total income in 2013. In 2014, the Swiss market leader Corris received 1.66 annual contributions for each sponsoring member won in a campaign for AI. In 2010, AI paid fixed amounts, Malteser Hilfsdienst 60% of an annual fee and Oxfam a basic amount and, if the annual contribution exceeded 75 euros, a bonus of 66 euros. In Switzerland, the non-profit organizations in 2013 each paid collectors and day up to 850 Swiss francs at Corris .

The non-profit organizations expect the recruits to become members for an average of seven years.

According to Stiftung Warentest , there were around 30 to 40 non-profit organizations in Germany in 2010 that used direct dialogue to acquire donations, and around 25 in Switzerland in 2012.

“Dialogers” are often students who are on the job . You will be trained in conversation techniques by the direct dialogue companies. They act in groups in the pedestrian zones of larger cities and approach passers-by to engage them in a conversation. With their upper body clothing and the appropriately designed stand, they give the impression of belonging to the advertised organization. IDs that the advertisers have as employees of the agency are often only shown on request. A contract is concluded for around one percent of all those addressed. The remuneration of the "Dialoger" depends on the number of contracts concluded; In addition, there is a basic salary that roughly corresponds to the minimum wage in Germany , but was lower before the introduction of the minimum wage.

The German market leader is Talk2move , which claims to employ around 1200 people, followed by DialogDirect . Corris employs around 60 permanent and 1000 temporary employees per year.

Direct dialogue is considered to be one of the “most successful, but also most investment-intensive methods of attracting new donors” or “for some organizations the ideal way of fundraising”.

Direct dialogue was systematically practiced for the first time in 1993 by Vier Pfoten in Austria . There the advertisers are called "boars". In Anglophone countries they are called chuggers , a suitcase word made up of charity (“charity”) and muggers (“ mugger ”).

Legal situation in Germany

The right to advertise sponsoring memberships in Germany is sometimes controversial. For example, member advertising in the street space in Berlin was banned in 2013. The advertising stands must be approved by the public order office. In the past, some municipalities no longer issued permits after bad experiences.

Organizations that use or used direct dialogue in German-speaking countries (selection)

Other countries

In 2012, fundraising was carried out through direct dialogue in around 50 countries, including India , Japan and the United Kingdom . In the USA , a subsidiary of DialogDirect also offers direct dialog in some major cities .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Andreas Maisch: The business with the conscience. The daily newspaper of March 5, 2013, accessed on August 20, 2018
  2. a b c The first annual donation goes to the collector company. Tages-Anzeiger of April 4, 2013, accessed on August 21, 2018
  3. a b c donation organizations, accessed on August 21, 2018
  4. a b c d e f Fundraiser-Magazin 5/2010 (PDF), accessed on August 21, 2018
  5. ^ Nicolas Weisensel: Service provider in the shadow. The daily newspaper of August 29, 2014, accessed on August 20, 2018
  6. ^ Fundraising Academy Frankfurt: Fundraising: Handbook for basics, strategies and methods. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2006, ISBN 9783834902160 . Excerpts from
  7. a b Quality takes precedence over quantity., accessed on August 21, 2018
  8. ↑ Mission statement ., accessed on December 26, 2018
  9. ^ Richard Hartley-Parkinson: “It's time you started being nice to 'chuggers' and treating them with respect”., September 13, 2017, accessed September 10, 2018
  10. a b c d e f g h i j k l website, accessed on August 21, 2018
  11. ^ Amnesty Dialog , accessed August 20, 2018
  12. a b c d website, accessed on August 21, 2018
  13. Direct Dialogue Initiatives at, accessed August 20, 2018
  14. ^ Website of (English), accessed on August 20, 2018