Dirk Syndram

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Dirk Syndram (born May 22, 1955 in Homberg , today Duisburg-Homberg) is a German art historian and has been director of the Green Vault and the Armory of the Dresden State Art Collections since 1993 .


Dirk Syndram was born in 1985 after studying art history , Egyptology and classical archeology at the University of Hamburg and a two-year research stay in London and Paris with a dissertation on "Egypt fascinations: investigations into the image of Egypt in European classicism up to 1800" with Martin Warnke and Horst Bredekamp received his doctorate in philosophy.

From 1986 to 1987 he worked as a scientific museum assistant in advanced training at the Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin. From 1987 to 1992 he initially worked as a research assistant at the Kunsthalle Bielefeld , then as deputy head of the Bielefeld City History Museum , each time with the responsibility for “Head of the Bielefeld City Arts and Crafts Collection / Huelsmann Foundation”.

In 1993 he took over the position of director of the Green Vault of the Dresden State Art Collections. In addition, he has been the castle director of the Dresden Residenzschloss since 2002 and the director of the Dresden armory since 2006 . From 1998 to 2002 Dirk Syndram was and since 2010 Deputy General Director of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, in this function he was the acting General Director of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden from September 1, 2011 to April 30, 2012.

In December 2004 he was appointed honorary professor for art history at the Technical University of Dresden .

Dirk Syndram lives in Dresden and has two daughters.


Exhibition projects (selection)

  • 1994: The Dresden Castle. Reconstruction as a monument and museum. Permanent exhibition of the Green Vault in the Dresden Residenzschloss, Georgenbau.
  • 1997: The Wettin treasure. The Moritzburg finds. An exhibition of the Green Vault in the Residenzschloss, Georgenbau, Dresden.
  • 1997: Under a crown. Art and culture of the Saxon-Polish Union. An exhibition of the Dresden State Art Collections in the Royal Castle of Warsaw, Poland.
  • 1999: The hidden treasury. Restored works of art from the Green Vault depot. An exhibition of the Green Vault in the Residenzschloss, Georgenbau, Dresden.
  • 2000: Acquired for Saxony. Treasures of the House of Wettin. An exhibition of the Green Vault in the Residenzschloss, Georgenbau, Dresden.
  • 2004: splendor and power. An exhibition by the Green Vault in the Museum of Art and Industry, Hamburg.
  • 2004: "Princely Splendor: The Dresden Court". An exhibition of the Green Vault in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
  • 2006: Splendeurs de la Cour de Saxe. Dresden at Versailles. An exhibition of the Green Vault in the Musée national du châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon, Versailles, France.
  • 2006: Giambologna in Dresden. The Medici Gifts. An exhibition of the Green Vault in the Residenzschloss, sponsel room of the New Green Vault, Dresden.
  • 2009: Böttger stoneware. Johann Friedrich Böttger and the treasure art. An exhibition of the Green Vault in the Residenzschloss, sponsel room of the New Green Vault, Dresden.
  • 2009: With Fortuna across the sea. Saxony and Denmark - marriages and alliances in the mirror of art, an exhibition of the Green Vault in the Residenzschloss, Paraderäume, Dresden.
  • 2010: "Expo Shanghai 2010". An exhibition of the Green Vault in the Pavilion of Urban Footprint at Expo Shanghai 2010, Shanghai, China.
  • 2011: The Dream of a King - Dresden's Green Vault. An exhibition of the Green Vault at the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar.
  • 2012: Dresden & Ambras. Art chamber treasures of the Renaissance. An exhibition of the Green Vault of the State Art Collections Dresden and the Art History Museum Collections at Ambras Castle, Innsbruck.

Publications (selection)

Monographs, editorships

  • Romanticism in ruins and a longing for antiquity. Berlin 1986.
  • Egypt fascinations. Studies on the image of Egypt in European classicism up to 1800. Frankfurt a. M., Bern, New York, Paris 1990 (publication of the 1985 dissertation).
  • Scientific instruments and sundials. City's arts and crafts collection.
  • Catalogs of the arts and crafts collection / Huelsmann Foundation, Vol. 1. Munich 1989.
  • Continuity in change. From baroque table utensils to modern series products. Bielefeld 1990.
  • Natural treasures Art treasures. From organic and mineral natural products to art objects. Picture and study booklet 1, Bielefeld 1991.
  • Showpieces of the Green Vault in Dresden. Munich / Berlin 1994.
  • The Grand Mogul's throne. Johann Melchior Dinglinger's golden dream of the Far East. Leipzig 1996.
  • The treasury of August the Strong. From the treasure collection to the Green Vault. Leipzig 1999.
  • The Egyptian reception under August the Strong. The "Apis Altar" by Johann Melchior Dinglingers. Mainz 1999.
  • The castle in Dresden. From the residence to the museum. Munich / Berlin 2001.
  • Treasure art of the Renaissance and Baroque. The Green Vault in Dresden. Munich and Berlin 2004.
  • The jewels of kings. 18th century jewelry ensembles from the Green Vault. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 2006, 187 pages.
  • The baroque treasury. The Green Vault in Dresden (with Jutta Kappel, Ulrike Weinhold). Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 2006.
  • Baroque jewelery art. Johann Melchior Dinglinger in the Green Vault. Munich 2008.
  • Dirk Syndram and Martina Minning (eds.), Edited by Jochen Vötsch, The Electoral-Saxon Art Chamber in Dresden, The inventories of 1587, 1619, 1640, 1741. Dresden 2010.
  • Dirk Syndram and Martina Minning (eds.), The Electoral Saxon Chamber of Art in Dresden. History of a Collection , Dresden 2012, 472 pages, ISBN 978-3-942422-00-0 .

Essays and Articles

  • The legacy of the pharaohs. On the iconography of Egypt in Europe, in: Gereon Sievernich, Hendrik Budde (Ed.): Europe and the Orient. 800–1900, Berliner Festspiele 1989, pp. 18–57.
  • The sources of inspiration. l'influence des modèles iconographiques sur l'égyptomanie du XVIIIe siècle, in: l'Égyptomanie à l'épreuve de l'archéologie. Actes du colloque international organisé au musée du Louvre ... les 8 and 9 avril 1994, Paris 1996, pp. 39-58.
  • A monument to art. The Obeliscus Augustalis in the Green Vault, in: Jutta Kappel: German stone cutting art from the Green Vault in Dresden, Idar-Oberstein / Dresden 1998, pp. 73–87
  • Peter and August. An “entente cordial” between Russia and Saxony, in: Dresdner Hefte No. 74, 2/2003, pp. 4–12.
  • About the origin of the Electoral Saxon Kunstkammer, in: Dresdner Hefte , special edition 2004, pp. 3–13.
  • The Dresden Castle - A Museum of the 21st Century, in: Dresdner Hefte, special edition 2004, pp. 113–118.
  • Of princely amusement and courtly representation. The Kunstkammer and the Dresden collections of the Renaissance, in: Exhibition catalog, Dirk Syndram and Antje Scherner (eds.): In princely splendor. The Dresden court around 1600, Milan 2004, pp. 54–69.
  • Śladem Orłą Białego - W Drezdenskim skarbcu Augusta II. Following the White Eagle: In the Dresden Treasury of Augustus II the Strong, in: Za Ojczyzinę I Naród. 300 lat Orderu Orła Białego, Warsaw 2005, pp. 118–126.
  • 1732 to 1945 - a museum history., In: The Green Vault in Dresden Castle. Return of a baroque Gesamtkunstwerk, Leipzig 2006, pp. 22–34.
  • The return of the past, in: The Green Vault in Dresden Castle. Return of a baroque Gesamtkunstwerk, Leipzig 2006, pp. 138–143.
  • L'unicorno marino di Elias Geyer e la grottesca rinascimentale, in: Sybille Ebert-Schifferer (ed.): Scambioculturale con il nemico religioso. Italia e Sassonia al 1600. Atti della Giornata internazionale di studi nell'ambito della serie di incontri “Roma e il north - Percorsi dello scmabio artistico”, April 4 - 5, 2005, Milan 2007, pp. 73-87.
  • Between intimacy and public sphere - cabinets of treasures and treasuries in the baroque era, in: Barbara Marx and Karl-Siegbert Rehberg (eds.): Collecting as an institution. From the princely chamber of curiosities to the patronage of the state, Munich / Berlin 2007, pp. 93–100.
  • The Dresden Royal Palace - Museum Palace or Palace Museum, in: Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin in the Change of Conservation Concepts, Yearbook of the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg, Vol. 7, 2005, Berlin 2007, pp. 167–177.
  • La Voûte de Dresde: les mille feux du baroque, in: Dossier de L'Art, No. 154, July / August 2008, pp. 56-65.
  • The usage concept of the Dresden Residenzschloss - Princely self-expression and courtly splendor, in: Guido Hinterkeuser (Ed.): Ways for the Berlin Palace / Humboldt Forum. Reconstruction and reconstruction of destroyed residential castles in Germany and Europe (1945–2007), Regensburg 2008, pp. 197–214.
  • Jasper porcelain, gold ruby ​​glass and country gems - On the "transmutation" of baroque treasure art, in: Dirk Syndram, Ulrike Weinhold (ed.): Böttgersteinzeug. Johann Friedrich Böttger and the treasure art, Berlin / Munich 2009, pp. 54–95.
  • “Shopping à Paris” à la demande d'Auguste le Fort, in: Stéphane Castelluccio (ed.): Le commerce de luxe à Paris aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, Bern 2009, pp. 267–279.
  • The electoral art chamber and the collections in the Dresden Residenzschloss, in: Dresdner Hefte, Heft 104, Das Dresdner Residenzschloss als Museum, 4/2010, Dresden 2010, pp. 8-17.
  • The Dresden Residenzschloss as a museum, in: Dresdner Hefte, Heft 104, The Dresdner Residenzschloss as a museum, 4/2010, Dresden 2010, pp. 81–90.
  • Courtly Luxury in the Baroque. Courtly luxury in the Baroque era, in: Claus Deimel , Sarah Elizabeth Holland, Jutta Charlotte von Bloh (eds.): The power of giving. The power of giving, Berlin / Munich 2011, pp. 198–204.
  • Silver objects as political monuments - attempts to get closer, in: Monika Bachtler, Dirk Syndram, Ulrike Weinhold (eds.): The fascination of collecting. Masterpieces of goldsmithing from the Rudolf-August Oetker Collection, Munich 2011, pp. 75–81.
  • Between imitatio and inventio - the cup around 1600, in: Monika Bachtler, Dirk Syndram, Ulrike Weinhold (eds.): The fascination of collecting. Masterworks of goldsmithing from the Rudolf-August Oetker Collection, Munich 2011, pp. 223–231.
  • Elector August, the Kunstkammer and the emergence of the Dresden collections “These things are probably going to be in the same lustkammer.”, In: Sabine Haag (ed.): Dresden & Ambras. Kunstkammerschätze der Renaissance, Vienna 2012, pp. 17–29.

Individual evidence

  1. Hon.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Syndram. Technical University of Dresden, Institute for Art and Musicology, accessed on April 26, 2013 .
  2. ^ Gudrun Meyer: The crown in a suitcase . In: FOCUS . No. 48, 1997 ( focus.de [accessed on April 26, 2013]).
  3. ^ "Splendor and Power": Splendor of the Dresden court around 1600. In: Handelsblatt.com . June 8, 2004, accessed April 26, 2013 .
  4. ^ Queen Margrethe opens exhibition in Dresden. In: Focus.de . August 23, 2009, accessed April 26, 2013 .
  5. Dresdner Grünes Gewölbe at Expo 2010 in Shanghai. In: Bild.de . December 3, 2009, accessed April 26, 2013 .
  6. ^ German treasures on the Arabian Gulf. (No longer available online.) Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Doha, archived from the original on April 2, 2012 ; Retrieved April 26, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.doha.diplo.de
  7. ^ Dresden & Ambras: Kunstkammerschätze der Renaissance: An exhibition of the Green Vault and the collection in Ambras Castle. (PDF file, 161 KB) (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; Retrieved April 26, 2013 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / press.khm.at  

Web links