Dirk van Haveskerke - Battle for Flanders

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Television series
German title Dirk van Haveskerke - Battle for Flanders
Original title Dirk van Haveskerke
Country of production Belgium
original language Dutch
year 1978
length 45 minutes
Episodes 6 ( ARD )
genre Historical adventure
idea FR Boschvogel
music Pieter Verlinden
First broadcast January 25, 1978
first broadcast
June 2, 1981 ( ARD )

Dirk van Haveskerke - Battle for Flanders is a Belgian miniseries from 1978 , based on the book Vlaenderen die Leu by FR Boschvogel .


Flanders in the 14th century: Dirk van Haveskerke, a young knight and son of the feudal lord of Bruges , experienced the horror and arbitrariness of the French occupiers . The people are oppressed and the cities are plundered. Intrigue and betrayal are the order of the day. Dirk's father wants to shake off the yoke of the French occupying power through political influence, so he is taken prisoner. Dirk van Haverskerke joins the fighting people to put an end to tyranny and to free his father. Now the French become aware of him and want to have him killed. But Dirk manages to escape any danger and he continues the fight. He emerged victorious from a duel with a French knightly captain, and is now called "The Lion of Flanders". The clashes continue and the French occupiers have to give way to the onslaught of ever-increasing numbers of freedom fighters . Dirk gets his father's title back and is considered a loyal supporter of the freedom of Flanders.



The series was broadcast in West Germany from June 2, 1981 on ARD in six episodes of 50 minutes each. From May 7, 1983, the series was shown on GDR television in twelve 25-minute episodes. The FRG synchronization was adopted.


Series in six parts ( BRD broadcast)

1. Count von Dampierre gives up allegiance to the French king. For the expected battle with the French, who have conquered Flanders, he makes the knight Dirk his confidante.

2. Dirk's father is wounded in the fight against the French. Dirk himself falls into the hands of the French and his mother is abducted.

3. Count van Flandern and the knights close to him have been invited by the king to Paris in order to settle the dispute peacefully in negotiations. But the invitation is a trap. In Paris the knights are taken prisoner. Dirk's father is also among those imprisoned. Can Dirk van Haveskerke come to their aid?

4. The Flemings rose against the French in Bruges. The king's governor is chased out of the city. And after several failures, Dirk van Haveskerke and his friends finally succeed in capturing the hated councilor Vanschip. Now Dirk learns more about the fate of his parents. His father was taken to a galley as a convict and his mother was sent to prison.

5. The Flemings lack a courageous man who is recognized by all and who leads them in their resistance struggle. After lengthy deliberations, Dirk van Haveskerke receives the dangerous assignment to win Willem van Gullik, provost of Maastricht , who lives in Italy, for this task.

6. Dirk van Haveskerke, with the help of a compassionate French merchant, is able to visit his father who is being held prisoner in a port. But rescue comes too late. Determined to break the resistance of the Flemings, the French advance. Willem van Gullik, leader of the Flemings, calls for the decisive battle for Flanders. Dirk goes into battle.

Series in 12 parts (GDR broadcast)

1. July 11th is the national holiday of Flanders. It is celebrated in memory of 1302, when the Flemings defeated the troops of King Philip the Fair of France in a mighty battle . For the first time in the history of Flanders, an army of free citizens, artisans and peasants had defeated an overpowering army of knights. One of the rebels was the young Dirk van Haveskerke (Luc Springual), who had many adventures.

2. They used to be allies and now they are enemies: The Councilor of Bruges, Vanschip (Nolle Verslip), and the Count of Dampierre, vassal of the French king. Raised by the burden of high taxes, Dampierre has denied the king the feudal duty of Flanders. When French troops occupied large parts of Flanders, the count sided with the rebels. The councilor, obsessed with the will to power, stands by the king and confiscates the castle of the Haveskerkes.

3. Dirk gets forged papers to get into Bruges, which is occupied by French troops. On his way to the city he learns that the city of Maldegem , where his father lives in hiding, has also been attacked by Phillip's soldiers. Dirk wants to rush to his aid, but is recognized and arrested.

4. On the orders of the Councilor of Bruges, Vanschip, Dirk is imprisoned in his parents' castle. Vanschip believes that this will make Dirk's mother, who is also in his power, compliant. Because she resists advertising, she is taken to a secret location. Dirk has just enough time to say goodbye to her and vows to take revenge for the injustice committed against his mother.

5. Dirk finally sees his father again after the long weeks of separation. They meet in a secret place. There the young knight learns that his father will travel to Paris with the other nobles on behalf of the Count of Dampierre. He is supposed to negotiate an armistice with King Philip. But the insurgents from Flanders are careful. They could easily fall into a trap of the French.

6. In his hiding place, a monastery, Dirk receives the news from his father, who has been captured by the French king with Count van Dampierre and the other knights. Indeed, the invitation to talks about a ceasefire was only a pretext to crush the leadership of the Belgian liberation movement.

7. Supported by angry residents, the craftsman Pieter de Conink refuses to pay new taxes to the loyal councilors of the city of Bruges. Dirk and one of his closest friends even manage to finally capture the traitor Vanschip and bring him under lock and key. The city of Bruges is thus freed from one of its greatest tormentors.

8. The leader of the Bruges insurgents has been freed from French captivity by his friends. He has to realize that the people are not yet strong enough to face the soldiers of King Philip with one voice. So he decides to negotiate with the French. But the French commander of the city is unwilling to make concessions.

9. The situation in Flanders is tense. Many Flemings are ready to rise against the king. A leader of all insurgent forces must be found. Dirk van Haveskerke should find the right man. But he is in distant Bologna . The young knight welcomes the long journey, as it finally gives him the opportunity to look for his mother, who has disappeared.

10. Dirk continues his journey to Bologna. There he meets Willem van Gulik, the future leader of the Flemish freedom movement. They both return to Flanders together. Dirk is now determined to free his mother from captivity.

11. After Dirk was able to hug his mother again, he also wants to free his father, who is vegetating as a slave on a French galley. But Dirk is too late.

12. For the first time in history, in 1302 an army of free citizens, craftsmen and farmers defeated the overpowering army of knights of the French King Philip the Fair. The Flemings are taking revenge for the exploitation and oppression of their province. Dirk van Haveskerke is at the forefront of the battle of the golden spurs .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Henschelverlag Art and Society Berlin (ed.): Filmobibliographical annual report 1983 . Berlin 1986, p. 120 .
  2. Funk Uhr 22/1981, p. 44 - length: 50 min. - First broadcast: June 2, 1981 ARD
  3. Funk Uhr 23/1981, p. 43 - length: 50 min. - First broadcast: June 9, 1981 ARD
  4. Funk Uhr 24/1981, p. 40 - length: 50 min. - First broadcast: June 16, 1981 ARD
  5. Hörzu 25/1981, p. 50 - Length: 50 min. - First broadcast: June 23, 1981 ARD
  6. Funk Uhr 27/1981, p. 36 - length: 50 min. - First broadcast: July 7, 1981 ARD
  7. radio clock 28/1981 - length: 50 min. - First broadcast: July 14, 1981 ARD
  8. Episode guide from FF including 18–30 / 1983