Domenico Crescentino Marinozzi

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Domenico Crescentino Marinozzi OFMCap (born November 21, 1926 in San Severino Marche ) is emeritus Apostolic Vicar of Soddo-Hosanna .


Domenico Crescentino Marinozzi joined the religious order of the Capuchins and was ordained a priest on December 17, 1950 . Paul VI appointed him Apostolic Administrator of Hosanna on 1972 .

On February 23, 1979 he was appointed Prefect Apostolic of Soddo -Hosanna. John Paul II appointed him on October 2, 1975 Vicar Apostolic of Soddo-Hosanna and Titular Bishop of Iucundiana .

The Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Agnelo Cardinal Rossi , consecrated him Bishop on December 10th of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Loris Francesco Capovilla , Prelate of Loreto , and Bruno Frattegiani , Bishop of San Severino-Treia . On January 5, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI. his age-related retirement.

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predecessor Office successor
Urbain-Marie Person OFMCap Apostolic Administrator / Apostolic Prefect / Apostolic Vicar of Soddo-Hosanna
Rodrigo Mejía Saldarriaga S.J.