Domenico Donzelli

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Domenico Donzelli, 1825

Domenico Donzelli (born February 2, 1790 in Bergamo , † March 31, 1873 in Bologna ) was an Italian opera singer ( tenor ).


As a boy he already belonged to the choir of the Teatro Riccardi in Bergamo. He made his debut at this house in 1808 with a supporting role in the opera Elisa by Johann Simon Mayr . He became famous with the world premiere of the opera Torvaldo e Dorliska in 1815, the male title role of which was written for him by the composer Gioachino Rossini . He remained on friendly terms with Rossini throughout his life. He appeared in the world premieres of the operas Zoraida di Granata by Gaetano Donizetti (1822), Il viaggio a Reims by Rossini (1825), Donna Caritea by Saverio Mercadante (1826), Olivo e Pasquale by Donizetti (1827), and Clari by Jacques Fromental Halévy (1929), Norma by Vincenzo Bellini (1831), Ugo, conte di Parigi (1832) and Parisina (1833) by Donizetti, Il bravo by Marcadante (1839) and Maria Padilla by Donizetti (1841) with. He performed in Milan, Rome, Venice, London, Vienna and Paris. His voice was described by Charles Burney as simultaneously flattering and robust ("mellifluous and robust"). In 1841 he ended his career. The attempt at a comeback in Naples in 1844 failed because it no longer achieved its old vocal form.


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