Don Clark (ice hockey official)

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Donald M. Clark (born May 25, 1915 in Kensal , North Dakota , † May 17, 1999 in Cumberland , Wisconsin ) was an American ice hockey official . For many years he served in the Minnesota and United States Ice Hockey Federation .


Clark grew up in Faribault , Minnesota . Already in his youth he was enthusiastic about sports and after high school he played ice hockey and baseball as an amateur. In 1941 he graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in dairy farming.

In 1947 he founded the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Association (MAHA) with Robert Ridder and Everett "Buck" Riley . Until the end of his life, he worked in various functions for MAHA. For many years he was secretary / treasurer, from 1954 to 1957 he was president. In 1952 he hosted the first state-wide bantam tournament in Minnesota, the first such tournament in the United States.

In 1958 he was the manager of the US national team . In the 1959/60 season he won the title of the United States Hockey League (USHL) as a manager with the Green Bay Bobcats . From 1958 to 1978 he was Vice President of the Amateur Hockey Association of the United States (later USA Hockey ) and was a long time member of the US Olympic Hockey Committee . He was also President of the United States Hockey Hall of Fame in Eveleth for several years .

Clark was one of the leading ice hockey historians in the United States. He collected a lot of information, documents and photographs and worked on this subject, among other things, on the Encyclopædia Britannica . In 1975, Clark was awarded the Lester Patrick Trophy . He has been a member of the United States Hockey Hall of Fame since 1978. The Clark Cup has been the award for the winner of the playoffs in the USHL since the 1979/80 season.

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