Biberschlag village church

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Evangelical Lutheran Church in Biberschlag

The listed Lutheran village church Biberschlag stands on a small hill in the district Biberschlag the community Schleusegrund in Hildburghausen in Thuringia .

In 1662, Duke Ernst the Pious had a church built from parts of a former castle . It was inaugurated at Easter 1663. In 1781 built the church on the west side of the church tower in 1819 the chancel , the organ loft and sacristy . The inventory such as the pulpit , baptismal frame, crucifix and wooden posts are kept in the baroque style.

The bronze bell in the tower comes from Coburg and was cast in 1740. The two other bells of the peal are made of steel and are from 1951.

The winged altar from the 20th century comes from Friedrich Popp from Ebersdorf. On it are pictures of Jesus and his disciples at the Lord's Supper and other Christian scenes.

Web links

Commons : Dorfkirche Biberschlag  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Cultural development concept for the model region of the Hildburghausen and Sonneberg districts . October 2014, p. 10 ( pdf ).


  • Oliver Heyn: The history of the lower Bibertal - from the medieval settlement to the middle of the 19th century (Lichtenau - Biberschlag - Engenstein - Tellerhammer) . Salier Verlag, Leipzig 2009, ISBN 978-3-939611-50-9 .

Coordinates: 50 ° 29 '37.3 "  N , 10 ° 51' 48.7"  E