Dorothea Orem

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Dorothea Elizabeth Orem (born July 15, 1914 in Baltimore , Maryland , United States , † June 22, 2007 in Savannah ) was an American nurse , nursing theorist and entrepreneur .


Orem graduated in 1930 from the nursing school of Providence Hospital in Washington with the Sisters of Mercy from the Order of Saint Vincent de Paul (1581-1660) who worked there. She then took up a part-time study of nursing education , which she graduated from the Catholic University of America , Washington with a Bachelor of Science in nursing in 1939 and a Master of Science of Education in 1945.

In 1970 she founded a care and training consultancy. In 1971 Orem published her theory of self-care .

Dorothea Orem passed away on June 22, 2007 in her home in Savannah.

Since 2003 , the so-called “ Orem Archive ” has been set up at Johns Hopkins University , Baltimore (USA) . It is used for the scientific archiving of all materials related to Dorothea Orem's nursing theory.

Orem self-care concept

In 1968 Dorothea Orem began developing and testing her theory of self-care, which she published in 1971 in the book Nursing concepts of practice . It has received recognition in the professional world to this day, whereby the main point of criticism of its theory is that it assumes “disturbed functions” in humans and thus develops a rather negative point of view. Your definition of terms is very important in nursing science .

Definition of self-care according to Orem: According to Orem, self-care is the voluntary production and exercise of actions that are directed towards oneself or one's own environment in order to regulate one's own function and development and to strive for life, health and well-being. Self-care is the totality of all actions in order to be able to take care of yourself. A self-care deficit arises when a person's ability to care for themselves is less than their need for care. The nursing scientist Hartmut Remmers noted that Orem's theory contained a latent paternalism that was difficult to reconcile with the normative principle of patient autonomy.


  • Nursing - concepts of practice. 1971; 4th edition 1991 (German: Structural Concepts of Nursing Practice. Ullstein Mosby, Berlin / Wiesbaden 1997, ISBN 3-86126-548-6 ).


  • Maria Mischo-Kelling: Dorothea Orem: On the concept of acting , in: Karin Wittneben and Maria Mischo-Kelling: Pflegebildung und Pflegetheorien , Urban & Schwarzenberg Munich, 1st edition 1995, pp. 191–194.
  • Connie M. Dennis: Dorothea Orem: Self-care and self-care deficit theory. Huber, Bern 2001, ISBN 3-456-83300-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Social Security Death Index" database ,, 2013
  2. a b c Hubert Kolling: Dorothea Orem , in: Hubert Kolling (ed.): Biographical lexicon of nursing history "Who was who in nursing history" , Vol. 4 Urban & Fischer Munich a. Jena (Elsevier) 2008, pp. 219-223.
  3. Hartmut Remmers: Action-Theoretical Justification Problems of American Nursing Theories , in: Jürgen Osterbrink (Ed.): First International Nursing Theory Congress Nuremberg , Huber Bern 1998, pages 225-230.