Dorothea Wilhelmine of Saxony-Zeitz

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Dorothea Wilhelmine
of Saxony-Zeitz

Dorothea Wilhelmine von Sachsen-Zeitz (* March 20, 1691 in Moritzburg Castle an der Elster , † March 17, 1743 in Kassel ) was a princess of Sachsen-Zeitz and, by marriage, Landgravine of Hesse-Kassel .


Dorothea Wilhelmine was a daughter of Duke Moritz Wilhelm von Sachsen-Zeitz (1664–1718) from his marriage to Maria Amalia (1670–1739), daughter of Elector Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg . Her younger brother, Hereditary Prince Friedrich von Sachsen-Zeitz, died in February 1710, making Dorothea Wilhelmine the last remaining child of her parents.

She married Landgrave Wilhelm VIII of Hessen-Kassel (1682–1760) in Zeitz on September 27, 1717 . Queen Caroline of Great Britain reported to the Duchess of Orléans that the Landgrave was " ugly and had a strange head ."

Dorothea Wilhelmine became insane and no longer appeared in public from 1725. Landgrave Barbara Christine von Bernhold's favorite was the first lady at court, and she raised her to Countess Bernhold von und zu Eschau during Dorothea Wilhelmine's lifetime .


Dorothea Wilhelmine had the following children from their marriage:

  • Karl (1718–1719)
  • Friedrich II. (1720–1785), Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel
⚭ 1740 Princess Marie of Great Britain (1723–1772)


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Individual evidence

  1. Hessen-Kassel, Dorothea Wilhelmine from. Hessian biography. In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).