Dorotheos of Tire (Author)

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The name Dorotheos of Tire , allegedly bishop of Tire in the 4th century, is associated with a script which, after a prologue, contains a catalog of the 70 disciples and apostles with a list of the bishops of Constantinople and an epilogue with legends about biblical people (also Pseudo-Dorotheos , Synopsis de vita et morte prophetarum, apostolorum et discipulorum domini ).

Behind it, however, is an unknown Byzantine author from the late 8th to the middle of the 9th century, who hides behind the name Prokopios; a fourth-century Dorotheus is merely put forward as an author in order to give the text authenticity. The alleged foundation of the diocese of Byzantion / Constantinople by the apostle Andrew was supposed to be documented with the bishops list . The text has nothing to do with the legendary 4th century martyr Dorotheus of Tire , with whom he was often associated.


  • Jacques Paul Migne : Patrologia Graeca Vol. 10, pp. 953-958.
  • Theodor Schermann: Prophetarum vitae fabulosae. Indices apostolorum discipulorumque domini Dorotheo, Epiphanio, Hippolyto aliisque vindicate . Teubner, Leipzig 1907, pp. 131–160 ( full text ).


Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Speyer : The literary forgery in pagan and Christian antiquity . Vol. 1, 2. CH Beck, Munich 1971, ISBN 3-406-03388-1 , p. 299.