Dreikönigshaus (Freiburg im Breisgau)

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Dreikönigshaus (western part in September 2013)
Dreikönigshaus after partial demolition (May 2015), in 2019 the right part was also demolished

The Dreikönigshaus is a late Baroque , listed building on the Schwarzwaldstrasse in Freiburg im Breisgau , which was formerly used as an inn to the three kings . It is one of the oldest houses in East Freiburg.


The Dreikönigshaus was once one of a number of inns that benefited from travel on the old trade route into the Black Forest, which later became Bundesstraße 31 . These inns are among the pioneering buildings in the former village of Wiehre : After it had been destroyed several times during sieges in the Baroque period, tentative new construction began after 1745, mostly around inns along the access roads to the city. Some of these settlement cores can still be read with difficulty in today's townscape: In addition to the Dreikönigshaus, these include the group of houses at the “Schützen” inn, the former “zum Schiff” inn or the “Krone” inn in Kronenstrasse. Today the Dreikönigshaus is in the Oberau district .

The name of the Dreikönigshaus probably goes back to the merchant Wilhelm König, who bought a garden in front of the Schwabentor in 1695 and built an inn on the property. This burned down during the siege of 1744 . It was replaced in 1748 by the building that still exists today. Many of his successors earned extra income from the timber trade, because two important facilities for the wood processing industry were located in the immediate vicinity: the municipal wood storage area east of Dreikönigstrasse and a sawmill north of the economy on the former "Dillemühle Canal", which was at least temporarily managed from the Dreikönigshaus. Even into the 19th century one of flowed at the house Oberried herführender raft channel over. This was used in the century before to transport short timber from the forests of the local monastery in the St. Wilhelmer Valley to the wood storage area.

Old inn sign on the building

The inn to the three kings was operated until 1920 and then became the property of the city of Freiburg. In 1921 they installed a “people's kitchen ” there, which was aimed primarily at impoverished middle-class citizens and, with interruptions, existed until 1966 as the “city kitchen of the Three Kings”. The tradition as a eatery for the needy was later taken up again by the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband , until the Zahner Feinkost company finally initiated the “Freiburg Food Meeting” there in January 1998, which still exists today. Its sponsoring association was founded in 1994 and was previously located in the St. Josef Hospital and in House 37 in the Vauban district .

Due to the construction of Leo-Wohleb-Strasse and a restructuring of the Schwarzwaldstrasse, entire groups of houses, several gardens and the area of ​​the “Dreikönigsäge” were leveled in the early 1970s. Only the Three Kings House remained in place.

In 2011, structural inspections in the eastern part of the building revealed massive structural defects. According to the city press office, these are due to earlier structural interventions and are so serious that they put the stability of the eastern part at risk. Since a renovation was “not feasible” under these circumstances, the plan was to build the new eastern section in conjunction with renovating the western section. In November 2012, the clothing store of the Freiburg Social Work Association and its second-hand shop outfit moved to an alternative quarter at Dreikönigstrasse 9. In 2019, this part was also demolished.

The Badische Zeitung reported in June 2013 that the Dreikönigshaus had to be demolished for the construction of the entrance to the planned Freiburg city tunnel ; In August 2013, however, a responsible traffic planner from the Freiburg regional council stated that the need for demolition had not yet been determined.

On April 11, 2015, the central part of the Dreikönighaus was destroyed by fire and torn down a few weeks later.


Individual evidence

  1. Joachim Scheck: Freiburg: "Wiedersehen": City history: A raft canal once led past the Gasthaus "Schiff" , Badische Zeitung, May 27, 2013, accessed on November 11, 2013
  2. Mechthild Blum: Essenstreff: Volunteers and full-time employees create for people , Badische Zeitung, December 1, 2007, accessed on November 11, 2013
  3. ^ Anja Bochtler: Freiburg: New rooms are in demand , Badische Zeitung, November 30, 2012, accessed on November 11, 2013
  4. Uwe Mauch: Once a listed building on Schwarzwaldstraße has been demolished. Badische Zeitung, December 18, 2019, accessed on August 27, 2020 .
  5. Uwe Mauch: Freiburg: Planning B31: A house has to give way for the Freiburg city tunnel , Badische Zeitung, June 28, 2013, accessed on November 11, 2013
  6. Alexander Preker: Südwest: BZ series mobility: Portrait of the road traffic planner Andreas Veser , Badische Zeitung, August 17, 2013, accessed on November 11, 2013
  7. Joachim Röderer: Fire in Freiburg: Middle section of the Dreikönigshaus destroyed , Badische Zeitung, April 11, 2015, accessed on April 11, 2015
  8. ^ Freiburg: Investigations: Dreikönigshaus: Is there a connection to another fire? - badische-zeitung.de. Retrieved May 17, 2015 .

Web links

Commons : Dreikönigshaus  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Website of the Essen meeting picture
comparison on Future History

Coordinates: 47 ° 59 ′ 22.6 ″  N , 7 ° 51 ′ 28.5 ″  E