Jirga in Kabul 2010

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The jirga in Kabul (also known as the Peace Jirga in the press ) began on June 2, 2010 . 1600 delegates met in Kabul to discuss future developments in Afghanistan .

The meeting took place on the premises of the Kabul Polytechnic University and lasted three days.


In addition to President Hamid Karzai , Minister of Education Faruk Wardak and the UN special envoy Staffan de Mistura , 1,600 delegates came, among them about 1,000 Pashtuns .


The government developed a peace and reintegration program that guaranteed insurgent fighters impunity under certain conditions. The 36-page program was coordinated with the UN .

Security situation

Although 12,000 additional security forces and ISAF troops were on site, fighting broke out right from the start. Several explosives detonated and machine gun fire could be heard. After President Karzai's opening speech, Taliban fighters fired rockets while police fought against the attackers. In addition, two suicide bombers set off their bombs and a third was arrested.
Due to the poor security situation during the conference, President Karzai fired his interior minister Hanif Atmar and intelligence chief Amrullah Saleh . Munir Mangal is planned as the new interior minister and Ibrahim Spinzada will head the secret service.


Even in the run-up to the conference, there was criticism that no Taliban representatives were invited to the conference, without whom the conference would not have a purely show character. There have been political disputes between Karzai and the US government over the status of certain Taliban leaders. While the Afghan President wanted to enter into dialogue with them, Washington saw them as terrorists.

Final declaration

In conclusion, the MPs confirmed the previous calls for amnesty for Taliban and Al-Qaida fighters, for the names of Taliban leaders to be removed from a terrorist list of the United Nations (see The List established and maintained by the 1267/1989 Committee ) Prohibition of immoral TV channels and an end to corruption .
In addition, the delegates called for a higher peace council , which should include members of parliament, the provinces and districts and which will moderate the peace process.
As a first step, Karzai ordered a review of the status of all suspects of the Taliban and those incarcerated in Afghan prisons.


In October 2010, Karzai set up a peace council based on the decisions of the jirga. This includes 68 members personally selected by Karzai.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Frankfurter Rundschau: "Peace Jirga" under fire ( Memento from June 5, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ A b Spiegel: Taliban terror sabotages Karzai's peace conference
  3. a b Frankfurter Rundschau: Golden Bridge ( Memento from June 8, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  4. a b Spiegel: Karzai's peace summit is sinking into terror chaos
  5. ^ Frankfurter Rundschau: Karsai quietly arouses hopes
  6. a b Spiegel: Karzai dismisses the interior minister and head of the secret service
  7. ^ Frankfurter Rundschau: Washington's poisoned greetings
  8. ^ Frankfurter Rundschau: Kabul talks to everyone
  9. ^ Frankfurter Rundschau: "Peace Jirga" calls on Taliban
  10. Hamid Karzai opens peace council. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . October 7, 2010, accessed October 8, 2010 .