E20 (Ecuador)

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / Maintenance / EC-E
Via E20 in Ecuador
E20 (Ecuador)
Course of the E 20
Basic data
Operator: Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas
Start of the street: Esmeraldas
End of street: Puerto Francisco de Orellana
Overall length: 336 km
  of which in operation: 336 km

Provincias :

The E20 or Transversal Norte is a road in Ecuador. The road is an east-west route through the north of the country, from Esmeraldas via Santo Domingo and the Quito region to Puerto Francisco de Orellana. The E20 is 336 kilometers long.

Street description

The E20 begins in the northwest coastal town of Esmeraldas on the E15 and leads to the southeast inland. The region consists of a thickly forested, wide coastal strip that is not very mountainous. In Santo Domingo, cross the E25, E20 and the road goes east through the Andes. The road climbs continuously in the region to Quito up to an altitude of about 3150 meters. This area is near the equator and has a lot of pasture and only some of the areas are grown here. The E20, together with the E35, then forms the Quito bypass. The route runs through the outer suburbs of the Ecuadorian capital. To the east of Quito, the road rises to 4,050 meters, the highest point on the E20. Then follows a long descent into the Amazon jungle at an altitude of only 250 meters and the road ends in Puerto Francisco de Orellana.


The E20 has traditionally been an important road, especially the middle section between Santo Domingo and Quito. This part is managed within the framework of the tolls and therefore toll must be paid on the route. The part east of Quito is sparsely populated and therefore less important.

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