Eberhard Mannschatz

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Eberhard Mannschatz

Eberhard Mannschatz (born October 29, 1927 in Dresden ; † July 20, 2019 in Berlin ) was head of department in the GDR Ministry for National Education and professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin .

Life and work

Mannschatz graduated from high school in 1947. He then worked as a youth welfare office manager in Dresden before he attended the German Administrative Academy "Walter Ulbricht" in Forst Zinna . Between 1951 and 1954 and from 1957 to 1977 Mannschatz was head of the youth welfare department in the GDR Ministry for Public Education. In the meantime he was deputy head of the Römhild youth work center .

Mannschatz u. a. responsible for the special homes for difficult-to-educate children and young people. As Verena Zimmermann explains, from 1956 to 1964 Mannschatz successfully campaigned against the establishment of the later closed youth work center in Torgau . As she explains on the basis of a thesis paper from the youth welfare / home education department headed by him, in 1960 “the establishment of a closed home was still negative because such a facility would be tantamount to 'eliminating the educational concept of the youth work centers'”. And further: “The future educational work cannot consist of 'extensive isolation', but only 'an adjustment of the educational situation in the youth work yards to normal life in our society'.” In 1963, however, the department headed by Mannschatz decided: “The discussion The creation of a closed youth work center for permanent outliers is to be concluded by May 31, 1963. If necessary, a closed youth work center must be set up by August 31, 1963. ”In the later youth work center in Torgau, according to the Court of Appeal in 2004, the human rights of the interned children and young people were severely violated. Due to Mannschatz's work, Torgau remained the only closed youth home in the GDR. During Mannschatz's term of office, the "Order on the temporary isolation of minors for disciplinary reasons in the special youth welfare homes" was issued on December 1, 1967, which allowed children and adolescents from 12 or 14 years of age who are unwilling to work or otherwise unruly to be accommodated for several days locked holding cells made possible.

In Mannschatz's opinion, the children and young people should be re-educated in the special homes. In this context, he spoke out early on against the pedagogy of beating, against tier systems of reward, and against inclusion in general. The aim is "to overcome the peculiarities in personality development, to eliminate the peculiarities in the thinking and behavior of children and adolescents and thus to create the conditions for normal personality development."

In 1957 Mannschatz, who conceptually linked to the Soviet pedagogue Makarenko , received his doctorate with an educational thesis in Rostock, his habilitation took place in 1966. In 1968 he received an honorary professorship at the Humboldt University in Berlin; from 1977 he held a chair for social education there , the only one in the GDR. Mannschatz retired in 1991.

Mannschatz was a full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the GDR and Vice President of the Fédération Internationale des Communautés Educatives (FICE) .

After 1990 Mannschatz became involved in education policy in the PDS . In 2012, the Saxon State Commissioner for the Stasi files, Lutz Rathenow, and representatives of the persecuted associations protested in an open letter against the publication of a chapter in the textbook Basic Social Work of the Protestant University of the Rauhen Haus in Hamburg, as Mannschatz was directly responsible for the establishment of the closed youth work yard Torgau is where “human rights and dignity” have been “systematically violated” by over 4,000 young people. The Evangelical University published a statement in June 2012: “We know today that the uncommented publication of the text in question in the textbook was a mistake and we understand Eberhard Mannschatz's criticism of those who see this as the risk of playing down this youth welfare practice Bears responsibility. "

Fonts (selection)

  • On the role of ideology in the socialist transformation of youth welfare. In: Socialist education in youth welfare, home and day care center, issue 10/1959, p. 3ff., Issue 11/1959, p. 5f.
  • Investigations into the educational organization in the home. Dissertation, Rostock 1957.
  • Introduction to socialist family education. Berlin 1971.
  • The contribution of youth welfare to the communist education of youth. in: Jugendhilfe 15 (1977), pp. 195ff.
  • Joint accomplishment of tasks as a medium of socio-educational activity. Food for thought for the recovery of the pedagogical from the Makarenko reception. In: Society - History - Present. Series of publications by the association "Social Science Forum eV" (Volume 31). Berlin 2003.
  • Home education. On the problem background of a controversial form of care. Berlin 2007.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Barbara Möller: The suffering of the children of Meerane. In: Hamburger Abendblatt . June 10, 2004, accessed April 13, 2019 .
  2. Verena Zimmermann: Creating the new person. The re-education of hard-to-educate and delinquent young people in the GDR (1945 to 1990), Böhlau Verlag Cologne 2004, published. m. Means d. Foundation for coming to terms with the SED dictatorship, pp. 378–379.
  3. BAB, DR 2 / A 3477 - additional action plan to improve political and educational work in the youth work centers v. approx. 1963. Quoted from: Verena Zimmermann: Creating the new person. The re-education of hard-to-educate and delinquent young people in the GDR (1945 to 1990), Böhlau Verlag Cologne 2004, published. m. Means d. Foundation to come to terms with the SED dictatorship, p. 379.
  4. Order of the Court of Appeal of December 15, 2004, file number: 5 Ws 169/04 REHA (in particular paragraph 13ff.), Published in: Neue Justiz 2005, p. 469.
  5. See briefing in Torgau. Texts and documents on authoritarian youth welfare in the GDR. Berlin 1997, pp. 90f.
  6. Verena Zimmermann: Creating the new person. The re-education of hard-to-educate and delinquent young people in the GDR (1945 to 1990), Böhlau Verlag Cologne 2004, published. m. Means d. Foundation for coming to terms with the SED dictatorship, pp. 276–278.
  7. ^ Mannschatz, The re-education of children and young people in the youth welfare homes. Ludwigsfelde 1977, p. 13.
  8. Gatzemann, Education in the "new" people in the youth Torgau. Münster 2008, p. 38.
  9. https://open-data.bundesarchiv.de/ddb-Stock/DE-1958_N_2561.xml
  10. Lydia Rosenfelder: Stalin's legacy in the heart. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . April 21, 2012, accessed April 13, 2019 .
  11. Personal details : Eberhard Mannschatz . In: Der Spiegel . No. 14 , 2012, p. 148 ( online - April 2, 2012 ).
  12. Peter Grimm: Social work and dark cell. Man treasure at the Rauhen Haus. (No longer available online.) In: Horch und Guck, Heft 76 (02/2012). 2012, pp. 66-69 , archived from the original on August 29, 2018 ; accessed on April 13, 2019 .
  13. Berthold Seewald: If you don't sprint, you have to put your head in the toilet. In: The world . November 21, 2012, accessed April 13, 2019 .