Echinopsis conaconensis

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Echinopsis conaconensis
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Trichocereeae
Genre : Echinopsis
Type : Echinopsis conaconensis
Scientific name
Echinopsis conaconensis
( Cardenas ) H.Friedrich & GDRowley

Echinopsis conaconensis is a species of the genus Echinopsis in the cactus family(Cactaceae). The specific epithet conaconensis refers to the occurrence of the species near the Cona-Cona railway stationin the Bolivian department of Cochabamba .


Echinopsis conaconensis grows solitary or branched from the base with often several upright branches . The cylindrical shoots have a diameter of up to 15 centimeters. There are about 17  ribs . The gray areoles on them are only slightly hairy . From them arise about 18 needle-like, bristle and piercing thorns that are whitish and up to 15 centimeters long.

The broad, funnel-shaped, dark cream-colored flowers appear in groups in the area of ​​the shoot apex. They are 11 to 15 centimeters long and have a diameter of up to 12 centimeters.

Distribution and systematics

Echinopsis conaconensis is distributed in the Bolivian department of Cochabamba in the high elevations of the Andes around 3700 meters.

The first description as Trichocereus conaconensis by Martín Cárdenas was published in 1953. Heimo Friedrich and Gordon Douglas Rowley placed the species in 1974 in the genus Echinopsis .

Echinopsis conaconensis is closely related or even conspecific with Echinopsis tarijensis .



Individual evidence

  1. Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton: Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-05597-3 , p. 52.
  2. Martín Cárdenas: Fuaux Herbarium Bulletin . Volume 1, Part 5, 1953, p. 24.
  3. ^ Gordon Douglas Rowley: Reunion of the genus Echinopsis . In: IOS Bulletin. Journal of the International Organization for Succulent Plant Study . Volume 3, Number 3, 1974, p. 94.