Echo poem

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The echo poem or echo song is a lyrical form in which an echo is reproduced as an answer to a question by means of a slime rhyme (here called echo rhyme ) . As a rule, the answer is amazing and funny. Example:

What brings the highest pleasure / of which we know? Echo: knowledge.
How? Goddess / should we always be eager to be?
Do you command that? Echo: Do that. The noblest thing is art?
Echo: The art. And everything is only haze without it: Echo: Only haze.

As you can see from the example of Johann Peter Titz , the echo rhyme can be at the beginning of the verse, in the memory of the verse or at the end of the line, or it can extend over two verses as a passing rhyme .

There are already examples in antiquity, one of the best known is the echo poem of Gauradas (16,152) , which has come down to us in the Anthologia Palatina, and Ovid uses the echo as a stylistic device in the episode of Narcissus and Echo . After Angelo Poliziano took up the poem form again in the 15th century, it remained a popular form in European poetry until the 18th century. In the Baroque era , the echo poem flourished, especially in shepherd and shepherd poetry . In his book Von der Deutschen Poeterey, Martin Opitz upgraded echopoetics to its own genre and also wrote on his own echo poems. Further examples can be found with Philipp von Zesen , with the Nuremberg poet circle ( Johann Klaj , Sigmund von Birken , Georg Philipp Harsdörffer ) and as religious echo songs with Friedrich Spee .

After the 18th century it remained with occasional use in social and political satires. August Ferdinand Bernhardi gave the echo poem a new theoretical interpretation of poetry, and in Romanticism there are some examples of echo poems by August Wilhelm Schlegel ( forest talk ), Ludwig Tieck ( Emperor Octavianus ) and Clemens Brentano .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Peter Titz: On the art of making High German verses and songs ... Danzig 1642.
  2. Ovid Metamorphoses 3,380–392.
  3. ^ August Ferdinand Bernhardi: Sprachlehre . 2 vol. 2 ed. 1801–1803