Cabinet Biedenkopf II

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The Biedenkopf II cabinet was the second Saxon state government after the restoration of the Free State of Saxony . The government was in office during the second legislative period of the Saxon State Parliament from 1994 to 1999.

The election to the 2nd Saxon state parliament on September 11, 1994 brought the CDU , which has ruled alone since 1990 , with 77 out of 120 seats to be allocated, again the absolute majority of the seats in the state parliament. It was able to increase its share of the vote by 4.3 percentage points to 58.1 percent. In the constituent session of the state parliament on October 6, 1994, Kurt Biedenkopf was re-elected as Saxon Prime Minister with 74 votes against 22 votes with one abstention . The SPD - faction did not participate in the election. Following those appointed by the Prime Minister were Minister sworn in before parliament.

The cabinet was supplemented on February 14, 1995 by State Secretary Günter Ermisch , who had been responsible for federal and European affairs since 1990, and who was appointed as a “further member of the state government” in accordance with Article 59 (2) of the Constitution of the Free State of Saxony . On December 31, 1996, Ermisch retired and resigned from the state government; Günter Meyer, the former head of the Saxon State Chancellery, took over responsibility for “Federal and European Affairs” on January 1, 1997 .

The 3rd Saxon State Parliament met for the first time on October 13, 1999; this ended the term of office of the Saxon state government in accordance with Article 68 paragraph 2 of the state constitution. The cabinet members remained in office until the newly formed government took office on October 27, 1999.

Members of the State Government

Cabinet Biedenkopf II - October 6, 1994 to October 27, 1999
Office Surname Political party
Prime Minister Kurt Biedenkopf CDU
Deputy Prime Minister Heinz Eggert (until July 10, 1995)
Hans Geisler (from August 1995)
Minister of State for the Interior Heinz Eggert (until July 10, 1995)
Klaus Hardraht (from September 1, 1995) 1


Minister of State for Justice Steffen Heitmann CDU
Minister of State for Finance Georg Milbradt CDU
Minister of State for Culture Matthias Roessler CDU
Minister of State for Science and Art Hans Joachim Meyer CDU
Minister of State for Economy and Labor Kajo Schommer CDU
Minister of State for Agriculture, Food and Forests 3 Rolf Jähnichen (until November 10, 1998) CDU
Minister of State for Social Affairs, Health and Family Hans Geisler CDU
Minister of State for Environment and Regional Development; from November 11, 1998: Minister of State for Environment and Agriculture 3 Arnold Vaatz (until November 10, 1998)
Rolf Jähnichen (from November 11, 1998)
Minister of State and Head of the State Chancellery ; from January 1, 1997: Minister of State for Federal and European Affairs; from September 1998: Minister of State for Federal and European Affairs and Head of the State Chancellery Günter Meyer (from September 1, 1995) CDU
Minister of State for Equality between Women and Men Friederike de Haas CDU
State Secretary for Federal and European Affairs Günter Ermisch (February 14, 1995 to December 31, 1996) CDU
1From July 10th to September 1st, 1995 in charge of running the business: Minister of State Steffen Heitmann .
2On taking office party affiliation . Klaus Hardraht later became a member of the CDU .
3 On November 11, 1998, the "Saxon State Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forests" and the "Saxon State Ministry for Environment and Regional Development" were merged to form the "Saxon State Ministry for Environment and Agriculture".

Individual evidence

  1. Election of the Prime Minister; Swearing in of the Prime Minister; Introduction of the other members of the state government; Swearing in of the other members of the state government. (PDF; 1.9 MB) In: Plenary minutes 2/1. Saxon State Parliament, October 6, 1994, pp. 24-27 , accessed on June 15, 2017 .
  2. Announcement of the Saxon State Chancellery of the new version of the announcement of the Saxon State Government on the delimitation of the business areas of the State Ministries. In: Saxon Official Gazette 1996 No. 3. December 21, 1995, p. 55 , accessed on June 15, 2017 .
  3. a b briefing. (PDF; 26 kB) In: Drucksache 2/1448. Saxon State Parliament, August 1, 1995, accessed June 15, 2017 .
  4. a b briefing. (PDF; 20 kB) In: Drucksache 2/1564. Saxon State Parliament, August 24, 1995, accessed June 15, 2017 .
  5. Official notices. (PDF; 1.2 MB) In: Plenary Protocol 732. Bundesrat, November 27, 1998, p. 503 , accessed on June 15, 2017 .
  6. ↑ Taking the oath of office of a member of the state government (according to Article 61 of the Constitution of the Free State of Saxony). (PDF; 6.3 MB) In: Minutes of the plenary 2/8. Saxon State Parliament, February 16, 1995, p. 402 , accessed on June 15, 2017 .
  7. Official notices. (PDF; 3.3 MB) In: Plenary minutes 708th Federal Council, January 31, 1997, p. 1 , accessed on June 15, 2017 .