Cabinet Kretschmer II

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Kretschmer cabinet
10. Saxon State Government
Michael Kretschmer
Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer
choice 2019
Legislative period 7th
education 20th December 2019
Duration 0 years and 256 days
predecessor Cabinet Kretschmer I
Party (s) CDU, Alliance 90 / The Greens and SPD
Opposition leader Jörg Urban ( AfD )

The Cabinet Kretschmer II forms after the state election in Saxony in 2019 since December 20, 2019, the government of Saxony . The Kretschmer II cabinet consists of the CDU , which also provides the Prime Minister , Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen and the SPD and is legitimized by the results of the state elections in Saxony in 2019.

In the 4th session of the 7th Saxon State Parliament on December 20, 2019, the Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer, who has been in office since 2017, was re-elected to this office with 61 votes and 57 against. At least 5 MPs from the coalition voted against Michael Kretschmer. 118 of the 119 MPs took part in the election.

Members of the State Government

since December 20, 2019
Office image Surname Political party State Secretary Political party
Prime Minister
Michael Kretschmer-v2 Pawel-Sosnowski - landscape format (cropped) .jpg
Michael Kretschmer CDU
First Deputy Prime Minister
Wolfram Günther Pressefoto.jpg
Wolfram Günther Alliance 90 / The Greens
Minister of State for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture Gerd Lippold

Gisela Reetz

Alliance 90 / The Greens
Second Deputy Prime Minister
2016-12-15 Martin Dulig (State Parliament Project Saxony) by Sandro Halank.jpg
Martin Dulig SPD
Minister of State for Economy, Labor and Transport Hartmut Mangold

Ines Merry

Minister of State for the Interior
Roland Wöller CDU Thomas Rechentin
Head of Office
Minister of State for Finance
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Hartmut Vorjohann CDU Dirk Diedrichs
Head of Office
Minister of State for Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality
Katja Meier Pressefoto.jpg
Katja Meier Alliance 90 / The Greens Mathias Weilandt

Gesine Märtens

Alliance 90 / The Greens
Minister of State for Culture
Christian Piwarz by Stepro IMG 1416 LR50.jpg
Christian Piwarz CDU Herbert Wolff CDU
Minister of State for Science
2016-12-15 Sebastian Gemkow (State Parliament Project Saxony) by Sandro Halank – 1.jpg
Sebastian Gemkow CDU Andrea Franke CDU
Minister of State for Culture and Tourism
2016-12-15 Barbara Klepsch by Sandro Halank – 1.jpg
Barbara Klepsch CDU
Minister of State for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion
2016-12-15 Petra Köpping (State Parliament Project Saxony) by Sandro Halank – 4.jpg
Petra Köpping SPD Uwe Gaul

Dagmar Neukirch

Minister of State for Regional Development
MJK21321 Thomas Schmidt.jpg
Thomas Schmidt CDU Frank Arrow independent
Head of the State Chancellery and Minister of State for Federal Affairs and the Media
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Oliver Schenk CDU Thomas Popp
Digital Administration and Modernization of Administration (Member of the State Government)

Conrad Clemens
authorized representative of the Free State of Saxony at the federal government


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Prime Minister Kretschmer re-elected. Retrieved December 20, 2019 .