Edelfisch (fishing law)

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Under Edelfisch is understood in the freshwater fishing industry specific fish species subject to special catch limits.

Game fish are usually called the food fish preferred in a fishing water or the more important stocking fish . For game fish - but also for other fish species - closed seasons and Brittelmaße (minimum catch dimensions ) are typically specified. In addition, the catch usually has to be documented immediately in the license book of the fishing license or in comparable catch statistics (fish subject to registration). Such measures consistently apply to anglers as well as commercial fishermen .

Noble fish is usually opposed to less valuable fish, such as white fish . In general, the term can appear very diverse.

In Austrian fishing law, the term is not generally defined, it is not found in the state fishing laws and associated regulations. It is only used at the level of the special fishing regulations of the individual fishing waters. The relevant provisions are usually set by the responsible local fisheries committee.

A typical formulation is for example:

"A maximum of 3 game fish per day and 10 per calendar week may be taken."

Examples of game fish are:

Web links

Wiktionary: Edelfisch  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

References and comments

  1. A general formulation e.g. B. Point 8 "as game fish those fish of the Styrian Fisheries Law (Decree of 11 December 2000) legal minimum catch length apply for according to § 12 para. 1 shall apply.". Fishing regulations , Lassnitz district Lang, The Styrian Sport Fishing ( online , dssf .at, accessed June 10, 2019) - this list includes around 50 fish species, see LGBl. No. 81/2000 , StF (as amended online, ris.bka).
  2. There are also other comparisons, such as:
    "Noble fish (
    non-ferrous fish , carp, tench, etc.) - predatory fish - white fish" in point 1 of the fishing regulations and catch restrictions 2017 , for the area 3 / Rotkreuzlacke + Donau of the Leiben fishing association, Upper Austria ( pdf , fischereiverein-leiben.at, accessed June 10, 2019);
    Conversely, however: "Noble fish (e.g. tench, carp, pike, pikeperch) - non-predatory fish" in Section 5 of the Fisheries Regulations. City of St. Andrä in Carinthia ( pdf , st-andrae.gv.at, accessed June 10, 2019).
  3. a b point 5. Special provisions of the fishing regulations, Fischereirevier Großer Kamp I / 8 , Marktgemeinde Gars am Kamp, status 2019 (in: Fischen - Marktgemeinde Gars am Kamp. Folder; pdf, gars.at, accessed June 10, 2019; there P. 10).
  4. Point 4 Fisheries Regulations 2018 - Traismauer Revier ( pdf , on reviertraismauer.jimdo.com, accessed June 10, 2019) - the following explanations regarding whitefish are somewhat unclear.
  5. Pkt. 7 Attersee fishing district - operating regulations for licensees ( undated, online in: Der Attersee , angelprofi.at, accessed June 10, 2019) - in the Attersee fishing regulations . StF: LGBl. No. 88/1985 (idgF online, ris.bka) the term is not found, closed periods and minimum catches in § 1; the Coregons and relatives are botanically a subfamily of the Salmonids.