Eduard Borchers (Bergrat)

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Eduard August Borchers (born December 25, 1815 in Wulften am Harz , † March 23, 1902 in Goslar ) was a Markscheider and Bergrat at the Clausthal Mining and Forestry Office .


Borchers attended the community school in his hometown of Wulften and the high school in Clausthal, and from 1832 to 1835, as a Markscheider eleven aspirant, the Clausthaler Berg- und Forstschule. His very good performance resulted in a recommendation from the then managing director of the school, Johann Christian Zimmermann , to train as a surveyor at the Clausthal Mining Authority.

In 1837 he joined the Clausthal Mining and Forestry Office as an apprentice surveyor. In 1838 he received a teaching position at what was then the mountain school. In 1840 he became Vice Marksheider, 1844 Markscheider, 1864 Bergmeister and 1868 Oberbergamtsmarkscheider. In 1874 he received the title of mountain ridge. In 1879 he gave up his activity at the mountain school. In 1882 he retired.

Borcher's life's work was the construction of the Ernst-August-Stollen (1851–1864), for which he took over all the mining work on Zimmermann's instructions from 1848 onwards. The choice of the starting point at Gittelde and the tunnel line also go back to Borchers . From 1856 to 1865 he created the general gang chart of the north-western Harz Mountains on behalf of the Royal Mountain and Forestry Office .

Eduard Borchers was considered to be "the most important mining company of his time".


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Individual evidence

  1. Glückauf - Berg- und Hüttenmännische Zeitschrift dated March 29, 1902, vol. 37, issue 13, p. 300.