Eduard Holder

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Eduard Otto Hölder (born November 27, 1847 in Stuttgart , †  April 14, 1911 in Baden-Baden ) was a German lawyer and worked at various universities as a professor of Roman law .


Eduard Hölder's grave in the south cemetery in Leipzig

Eduard Hölder completed his law degree in Tübingen . Without ever having been a private lecturer, he became Professor of Roman Law in Zurich in 1872 , then worked in the same position in Greifswald from 1874 , in Erlangen from 1888 and finally from 1893 until his death at the University of Leipzig , where he held the chair of deceased Bernhard Windscheid took over. Hölder was dean of the local law faculty three times, and in the academic year 1909/10 he was the rector's office.

Some of his works are still reprinted today, most recently in 2002 his “Commentary on the General Part of the Civil Code ”.

Major works

  • Pandects. General teachings, with regard to the draft civil law. Freiburg i. E.g .: Mohr 1891.
  • Commentary on the general part of the Civil Code. Munich: Beck 1900.
  • Natural and legal persons. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot 1905.

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