Eduard Otto

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Woodcut from 1882

Carl Friedrich Eduard Otto (born January 2, 1812 in Neu-Schöneberg , † September 11, 1885 in Hamburg ) was a German gardener , botanist and editor of a newspaper.

Live and act

Eduard Otto was born on January 2, 1812 in Neu-Schöneberg near Berlin. Friedrich II had Neu-Schöneberg built around 1750 and is now part of the Berlin-Schöneberg district. Eduard Otto's father was inspector at the royal botanical garden at the time and the royal garden director Christian Friedrich Otto in later years . At the age of 18 he graduated from the Realgymnasium in Berlin and then began an apprenticeship in the botanical garden. At the same time he attended the royal gardening school in Schöneberg and attended lectures at the university. After a short time as a soldier and as an assistant in the botanical garden , he stayed in England for a year and a half. He then went to Paris and attended lectures by famous botanists. After half a year he left Paris and traveled back to Berlin via Belgium and Holland. Here he became senior assistant at the Berlin Botanical Garden in November 1836. In 1838 he was commissioned by the ministry to collect plants for the botanical institutes in Berlin. His first trip was to Cuba. With the help of Alexander Humboldt's intercession , he was given funds for a second trip, this time to Venezuela. He also received a personal letter of recommendation from Humboldt to the then President of Venezuela. The yield from this trip was extensive. About the impressions and collections he published in 1842 his "Travel Memories of Cuba, North and South America from 1838-41".

At the beginning of 1844 he received an inquiry from the director Lehmann of the botanical garden in Hamburg whether he would like to take over the horticultural management, since the previous owner Johann Heinrich Ohlendorff would leave on April 30, 1844. Otto accepted and was quickly promoted to garden inspector because of his great commitment. During his time, he succeeded in making a special plant, the Victoria regia from the Amazon region, bloom, which is why it attracted many visitors. Since Lehmann, as director, also had to hold lectures at the Johanneum and the Academic Gymnasium and could only spend a little time on his work as director, Otto had numerous opportunities. In this way he promoted contacts with other botanical gardens. When Lehmann died in 1860, Otto initially took over the management of the botanical garden “on behalf”. In 1863 Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach was appointed head of the botanical garden by the Senate. The cooperation between Reichenbach and Otto became difficult over the years, which is why Otto gave up his position as inspector on December 31, 1867. He then took on the position of managing director at the tree nursery and the greenhouses of the late HC Harmsen. He held this position for only one year. He then went into business for himself in Altona. But even here he was not granted success. In 1878 Otto suffered a stroke, which restricted his activities. Because of his popularity and affection he was honored by some clubs with honorary membership.

In July 1848 Eduard Otto had taken over from Rudolph Mettler the publication of the newspaper Neue Allgemeine deutsche Garten- und Blumenzeitung . With the issue of the 8th volume, he changed the name to the Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung . In 1883 with the issue of the 39th volume, Dr. Edmund Goeze the publication. On April 1, 1884, he ended his journalistic activities. Eduard Otto died on September 11, 1885.


  • Travel memories of Cuba, North and South America from 1838–41


  • Edmund Goeze: Garden Inspector Eduard Otto , in: Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung , 41st year 1885, pp. 472–477.
  • Eduard Ortgies : The garden inspector Eduard Otto , in: Deutsche Gärtner Zeitung (1884?)
  • 2903. Otto (Carl Friedrich Eduard) , in: Hans Schröder : Lexicon of Hamburg writers up to the present , Volume 5, Maak - Pauli, continued by Carl Rudolph Wilhelm Klose, Hamburg, 1871, p. 623


  1. The author Edmund Goeze (1838–1929) wrote Christian instead of Christoph
  2. ^ To our subscribers , in: Neue Allgemeine Deutsche Garten- und Blumenzeitung , 4th vol., Robert Kittler, Hamburg (undated), (1848), p. 316
  3. a b Information taken from Edmund Goeze's obituary.

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Wikisource: Deutsche Gärtner-Zeitung  - Sources and full texts