Eduard von der Lippe

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Eduard Freiherr von der Lippe (* around 1918 at Vinsebeck , † before 1958 in Munich ) was a German architect .


Von der Lippe came from the Westphalian nobility ; he was born as the son of Viktor von der Lippe d. J. born on the family estate Wintrup near Vinsebeck / Westphalia. Shortly after the Second World War, von der Lippe designed equipment for industrial buildings on behalf of Dietrich Wilhelm von Menges . As a result, he also realized residential and commercial buildings for other industrial buildings in the Ruhr area.

In the second half of the 1950s he worked as a consulting architect for the Siemens building management .

Buildings and designs

Administration building of Siemens AG, Munich
  • after 1947: Guest house for Ferrostaal AG in Essen, Am Wiesental
  • after 1947: Klepper office building in Essen
  • after 1947: conversion of Cafe Overbeck in Essen
  • after 1947: Landhaus Auf dem Hügel for Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach in Essen
  • after 1947: Administration building for WASAG chemistry for Berthold von Bohlen and Halbach in Essen
  • 1951–1952: Main building of MAN-Ferrostaal AG in Essen, Huyssenallee 24–30 (with Franz Allerkamp )
  • 1956–1957: Siemens AG administration building on Oskar-von-Miller-Ring in Munich (with Hans Maurer )
  • before 1957: Siemens AG factory in Munich, Balanstrasse
  • before 1957: Siemens AG factory expansion in Karlsruhe


  • E. Zietzschmann: Building and molding at Siemens & Halske . In: Building and Living . Issue 11/1957

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary
  2. Building description in Building and Living ( digitized version )
  3. Building description in Building and Living ( digitized version )
  4. Building description in Building and Living ( digitized version )