Edward Próchniak

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Edward Próchniak (1937)

Edward Próchniak (party name: Stefan Kopec ) (born December 4, 1888 in Puławy ; † August 21, 1937 in Moscow ) was a leading Polish communist and from 1903 a member of the Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania (SDKPiL). He was a participant in the major strikes in the coal mines in the Polish Coal Basin and in the Russian Revolution of 1905 . At a party training course in Longjumeau , near Paris , he met Lenin , who led the seminar.

After participating in the October Revolution in Russia , he headed a department of the Polish Commissariat in the People's Commissariat for Nationality Issues in Russia and was a member of the Polish section of the Communist Party of Russia (B) from December 16, 1918 , as well as a member of the Lefortowo-Blagusha Raion Committee. From 1921 to 1924 he was the representative of the Communist Workers' Party of Poland (KPP) at the Communist International (Comintern). There he was also a member of the Executive Committee from 1922 to 1937 and from 1925 to 1930 he was a member of the Politburo of the CPP and a member of the Presidium of the Comintern.

In the summer of 1937 he was ordered to Moscow as part of the Great Purge , arrested there immediately and imprisoned in the Lubyanka . Despite numerous tortures, he denied the charge of being an agent of the Polish Military Organization (POW) and was ultimately executed by shooting on August 21 of the same year . In 1957 he was rehabilitated.


Paweł Samus: Edward Próchniak, studied postaw polskiego rewolucjonist . Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 1987, ISBN 83-7016-278-9 .