Effective potential

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Effective potential in the gravitational field

The effective potential is a mechanical term that is useful in dealing with central forces such as the gravitational force in planetary motion . In the effective potential, the potential energy and the azimuthal kinetic energy of the rotating object are combined. Despite its name, the effective potential is not strictly speaking a potential , but has the dimension of an energy .

Non-relativistic mechanics

A body of mass , which moves in a central force field at a distance from the center of force, has a total energy that is composed of the potential energy and the kinetic energy . In polar coordinates we get:

The azimuthal portion of the kinetic energy can be expressed by the amount of angular momentum , which is a conservation quantity for a central force , and summarized with the potential energy to form the effective potential :

whereby the effective potential is defined as:

The second term on the right-hand side of this equation is also known as the centrifugal potential or the angular momentum barrier .

In the equation one now only has to do with an ordinary differential equation in the radial coordinate . The solution to this is done by using the method of separating the variables (d t and d r ) with the constants of motion and as parameters. Your solution is through the elliptic integral

given. For another, clearer solution, in which the radius is represented as a function of the angle, see under two-body problem .

The curve of the effective potential clearly shows without further mathematical considerations for initially two points of intersection and with the effective potential curve , between which the body moves on its path. For the minimum of the effective potential, both distances coincide and a circular path is obtained . For the body describes an unbound movement with only a minimal distance.

general theory of relativity

In general relativity , the effective potential is given higher order correction terms. The constants of movement in the Schwarzschild metric are no longer and , but and , where is the so-called Schwarzschild radius .

The following applies:


so that the effective potential in general relativity is called

can be represented. This potential contains the constant term of the rest energy , towards which the potential for also tends, and is imaginary for. Objects with a radius smaller than their Schwarzschild radius are called black holes .

While in classical physics any narrow orbits around the central body are possible, as there is a minimum for each , this is not the case in the Schwarzschild solution. The effective potential possesses for a maximum and a minimum in the places


below this value for the angular momentum it increases monotonically. A minimal stable orbit thus results at



  • Herbert Goldstein: Classical Mechanics . Addison-Wesley, 1980, ISBN 0-201-02918-9 , pp. 76 f . (English).
  • Volker Meden (RWTH Aachen): Script for the lecture Theoretical Physics I (Mechanics) . 2012, p. 11 ( rwth-aachen.de [PDF; accessed December 19, 2016]).