Federal popular initiative "For a public health insurance"

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The federal popular initiative “For a public health insurance” was a Swiss popular initiative that was voted on on September 28, 2014. It called for the abolition of private health insurance companies and the introduction of a single public health insurance company for basic health care for the population. The initiative was initiated by various consumer and patient protection organizations, as well as by the SP and the Greens . The Federal Council and the Federal Assembly rejected the initiative.

The initiative was in the referendum of 28 September 2014, 61.8% of the votes and 4 to 16 6/2 stands rejected. The participation was 46.7%.

Starting position

Every person living in Switzerland must take out health insurance that covers basic insurance. For their part, all health insurance companies are obliged to include everyone in their basic insurance. At the time of the vote, there were 61 private insurance companies that offered this basic insurance and were in competition with one another . The initiative wanted to introduce a nationwide public health insurance scheme that would take over this basic insurance for everyone residing in Switzerland. Cantonal and inter-cantonal agencies have the task of setting the premiums and reimbursing the medical services provided.

The Federal Council and Parliament rejected the initiative. The current system has proven itself. A fundamental redesign of the basic insurance would lead to uncertainties and costs that are difficult to calculate. In addition, there would be no competition between health insurance companies and the insured would lose the freedom to choose between different providers of services.

Initiative text

The Federal Constitution is amended as follows:

Art. 117 para. 3 (new) and 4 (new)
3 Social health insurance is implemented by a uniform national public-law institution. Their bodies are made up of representatives from the Confederation, the cantons, the insured and the service providers.
4 The national body has cantonal or intercantonal agencies. They set the premiums by name, collect them and reimburse the services. A uniform premium is set for each canton; this is calculated based on the costs of social health insurance.

The transitional provisions of the Federal Constitution are changed as follows:

Art. 197 no. 8 (new)
8. Transitional provisions to Art. 117 Paragraphs 3 and 4 (national health insurance fund under public law)
1 After the acceptance of Article 117 Paragraphs 3 and 4 by the people and the cantons, the Federal Assembly shall issue the necessary legal provisions so that the reserves, the provisions and assets from the area of ​​social health insurance are transferred to the institution in accordance with Article 117 paragraphs 3 and 4.
2 If the Federal Assembly does not pass a corresponding federal law within three years of the adoption of Article 117 paragraphs 3 and 4, the cantons may create a uniform public institution for social health insurance in their area.

Voting results

The initiative was rejected on September 28, 2014 with 61.8% of the vote and 4 to 16 6/2 stands. The turnout was 46.7%. According to the preliminary results for the vote on September 28, 2014, there was the highest rejection with 81.7% in the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden (Eastern Switzerland) with a low voter turnout (40.5%) with 3,726 votes against. The highest approval rates were in the canton of Jura and in the canton of Neuchâtel (French-speaking north-western Switzerland) with 63.0% and 60.3%, with an above-average voter turnout of 49.0 and 50.0 percent respectively in Neuchâtel.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Preliminary official final results on admin.ch, accessed on September 28, 2014
  2. https://www.admin.ch/opc/de/classified-compilation/19940073/201501010000/832.10.pdf
  3. a b Federal Chancellery : referendum of 28 September 2014: explanations by the Federal Council.