Federal arms factory

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The company Eidgenössische Waffenfabrik ( W + F ; French Fabrique fédérale d'armes ) in Bern was a management company and part of the armaments services group of the Federal Military Department (now DDPS ). The Eidgenössische Waffenfabrik (W + F), founded in 1875, took over the grounds and facilities of the Swiss Federal Assembling Workshop in Bern. It then produced handguns and handguns for the Swiss Army, under license or as an in-house development. In the abbreviation "W + F", the "+" stands for the Swiss cross , ie for "federal"; analogous abbreviations were and are also common for other federal companies. The W + F was 1,999 in the RUAG on which later the construction of fist and handguns established.

Weapons factory Bern 1876

Products (selection)


Test pistol 1943 from the Bern weapons factory


System Vetterli

Schmidt-Rubin system

Assault rifles

More weapons

Anti-tank weapons


  • Ernst Hofstettler: Handguns and handguns of the Swiss Army. From 1842 until today. 3rd edition 1987, Zurich (Schweizer Waffen Magazin) 11, 2012, p. 17.
  • Henri Habegger: "Anti-tank weapons in the collection of the Swiss Army Museum Association" , Documentation No. 006/2006 (PDF), sam, Thun.
  • Federal Arms Factory Bern. A modern company with a historical background, publisher Eidg. Waffenfabrik Bern. Approx. 1970, 24 pages.

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