Ironworks mill

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Eisenhüttenmühle, 2017, view from the northwest

The Eisenhüttenmühle is a listed watermill in Bennungen in the southern Harz municipality in Saxony-Anhalt .


It is located east of the village, south of the street leading to Hohlstedt at the address Halle-Kasseler-Straße 233 . An earlier address was Hallesche Straße 233 . The mill is on the bank of the Leine , not far from where it flows into the Helmets .

Architecture and history

The mill farm was mentioned before 1605. The name Eisenhüttenmühle refers to an original use. However, it was later converted into a grain and sawmill . There is a broad, half-timbered house built in the 17th century . The building is covered with a mansard roof that is heaped over the gable . Parts of the old mill technology have been preserved. There is a grinding and shot passage, a porcelain roller frame and a throwing funnel .

The later Field Marshal General Ernst Albrecht von Eberstein (1605–1676) is named in 1657 as the new owner of the iron hammer before Bennungen. At that time, the hammer had come from the Electorate of Saxony to the newly formed Secondary Principality of Saxony-Weißenfels . He also bought the iron stone mines in the office of Sangerhausen with Beyernaumburg . When Ernst Albrecht von Eberstein died in 1676, he left four sons who mutually agreed that Christian Ludwig von Eberstein would receive these paternal possessions. Christian Ludwig von Eberstein was the head overseer of the principality of Harzgerode, chief miner, chief sergeant and chief forester. He intended to sell the iron hammer before Bennungen in 1697 to the former clerk of the Count of Stolberg, Johann Matthias Asprian. Duke Johann Adolph I of Sachsen-Weißenfels reserved the pre-sale, so that Eberstein had to sell the Eisenhammer together with the associated iron stone mines to Schösser and Bergvogt Geyer in Sangerhausen, who a few weeks later sold this property to the Senff brothers in Sangerhausen. Due to the increased price of wood and the resulting debts, the Senff brothers were forced to sell the iron hammer in front of Bennungen, along with the ironworks and the iron stone mines located there in the Sangerhausen district, to the previous owner, Christian Ludwig von Eberstein, in 1705. He died in 1717. The iron hammer fell to his sons "according to the type of mine and custom" , when their spokesman Ernst Friedrich Graf von Eberstein appeared. After the relapse of the Principality of Saxony-Weißenfels to the Electorate of Saxony in 1748, there were great concerns at the Dresden court about giving the von Eberstein family anew with mining justice. No decision was made, especially since the iron hammer had come to a standstill in the meantime.

When Prussia took over the feudal lordship after the Congress of Vienna in 1816, Wolf Freiherr von Eberstein applied for a renewed enfeoffment with the iron hammer at Bennungen and the iron stone mines on behalf of the other family members, referring to the feudal letter of 1664. The mortgage lending was delayed because the Naumburg Higher Regional Court tried to obtain the necessary information. The Oberbergamt Halle announced in 1824 "that the former iron hammer had long ago been transformed into a mill, and that the iron stone mine had been abandoned and not reduced according to the mining regulations, and should therefore be regarded as lying in the open" . After lengthy judicial negotiations, the Prussian Minister of Justice declared in Berlin in 1827 that all further feudal prosecutions for the former Eisenhammer, for which the name Eisenhüttenmühle had now become naturalized.

In the local monument register , the mill has been listed as a monument since August 24, 1995 under the registration number 094 83388 . The building is considered to be technically-economically and culturally-artistically as well as town-planning significant.


  • Louis Ferdinand von Eberstein (ed.): History of the barons of Eberstein and their possessions , Sondershausen 1865.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Short question and answer Olaf Meister (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), Ministry of Culture March 19, 2015 Printed matter 6/3905 (KA 6/8670) List of monuments Saxony-Anhalt , page 3092

Coordinates: 51 ° 27 ′ 29.5 ″  N , 11 ° 7 ′ 42.9 ″  E