Ekkehard Böhmer

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Ekkehard Böhmer (born June 8, 1929 in Arnstadt , † April 14, 2014 in Wiesbaden ) was a German television director .


Ekkehard Böhmer studied music (piano and composition with Werner Fussan, a student of Paul Hindemith ) and acting; his actual career aspiration was an opera singer (his father was the opera singer Ewald Böhmer). After completing his studies, he got an engagement at the Wiesbaden State Theater in 1948 . There he met the director Fritz Umgelter . This brought him in 1954 as an assistant director to the Hessischer Rundfunk . From that day on, Ekkehard Böhmer got to know the television business with all its facets. Fritz Umgelter was an "old school" trainer who successfully taught him the new medium of television.

With Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff and his quiz Who against Whom? Ekkehard Böhmer started his career as a television director on September 3, 1955. Since then, his name has stood for great television hits and high ratings. In 1979 there were even television evenings when Böhmer competed against himself when he was staging something for the ARD Something is coming up and on ZDF Now the party really starts . On December 31, 1988, Ekkehard Böhmer directed his 1,000th show Arena der Sensationen . The successes of the Peter Alexander Show (book: Hans Hubberten , producer: Wolfgang Rademann ) are closely linked to his directing successes on German television . In 1999 Böhmer ended his career after 45 years. He died on April 14, 2014 after a brief illness at the age of 84.


Director of television productions (selection)

  • One will win
  • To the Blauer Bock
  • All the time
  • Music is the key
  • Do you recognize the melody?
  • Specialty show
  • We congratulate
  • Anneliese Rothenberger shows
  • James Last Live In London (1978)
  • The Vico Torrani Show (1979)
  • ARD request concert
  • Melodies for millions
  • The 100,000 hp show
  • Song circus
  • Arena of sensations
  • The super hit parade
  • Humor is the key
  • Horton's little night music
  • An evening for ...
  • Songs that come from the heart
  • I like to remember
  • HÖRZU Golden Camera
  • The great testament
  • 750 years of Berlin
  • Snack in between
  • That speaks volumes
  • New Years Eve shows
  • Hits of the year
  • we make music
  • Come dear May
  • The time was good
  • step by step
  • A little song on all roads
  • Sammy Davis Jr.
  • From house to house
  • The intern. Swing parade
  • The Tony Marshall Show
  • 100 years of the Deutsche Oper Berlin
  • And the music plays along with it
  • 40 years of RIAS Berlin
  • Look up at Neumann
  • Frankfurt Opera Ball
  • The Ute Lemper Show
  • Help without limits
  • Big helps small
  • Meeting point heart
  • Start into happiness
  • Music is in the air
  • This is my world
  • Udo Jürgens at the age of 60
  • A heart for Berlin

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wiesbadener Kurier : Archived copy ( memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: wiesbadener-kurier.de , article from April 16, 2014 (accessed April 17, 2014). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.wiesbadener-kurier.de
  2. Database of the bearers of the Federal Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, Federal President's Office