Eldrid Lunden

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Eldrid Lunden

Eldrid Lunden (born October 5, 1940 in Naustdal ) is a Norwegian poet and professor of creative writing at Telemark University .

life and work

Eldrin Lunden began her studies in Oslo in 1961 and at the same time worked as an assistant at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. In 1973 she became a lecturer at Oslo University , 1976 assistant professor at Volda University and since 1996 she has been the first and only Norwegian professor of creative writing at Telemark University . In the 1960s she worked on the student literary magazine Profil , which "distinguished itself through the further development of modernist forms and whose declared intention was to bring about a politically motivated paradigm shift in Norwegian culture". At times she was the only female member of the editorial team. From 1970 gradually distanced itself from the political activities of the group and went its own way.

In 1968 Lunden published her first volume of poetry f.eks juli (e.g. July). Her lyrics, often only a few lines long, are almost aphoristic and very condensed. In her lyric trilogy Inneringa (circled), Hard, mjuk (hard, soft) and Mammy, blue , published from 1975 to 1977, she deals with questions of the women's movement and self-determination. Mammy, blue , a blues about the situation of women, refers to the title of a 1971 song by Roger Whittaker : “In the hit version, Mammy is the black slave woman of the 19th century who is forced into a mother role without becoming a mother herself be. […] The poem cycle describes the path of increasing identity formation. ”In her publication Til Stades (On Place), a kind of travel journal, which appeared in 2000, poems alternate with lyrical prose. She also wrote essays .

Lunden writes in Nynorsk . Her poems have been translated into many languages. She has received numerous awards and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Gothenburg in 2003 . She was married to the ten year older author and literary scholar Reidar Ekner from 1994 until his death in 2014. Her older sister was the historian and professor at Oslo University Kåre Lunden.


Where should we go on the day when we see / that there is / is not a there? When all doors are the same / open as closed as before, when nothing is left / but an open, rustling room / of all your longing? "

- Eldrid Lunden


  • 1982: Nynorsk literaturpris
  • 1984: Sokneprest Alfred Andersson-Ryssts fund
  • 1989: Dobloug Prize
  • 1992: Aschehougprisen
  • 1997: Melsom awards
  • 2000: Brageprisen
  • 2000: Amalie Skram prizes
  • 2005: Mads Wiel Nygaards legat
  • 2007: Halldis Moren Vesaas prizes


Original Norwegian editions

  • 1968: F.eks. July
  • 1975: Inneringa
  • 1976: Hard, mjuk
  • 1977: Mammy, blue
  • 1982: Gjenkjennelsen
  • 1982: Essays
  • 1987: Dikt i utval
  • 1989: Det omvendt avhengige
  • 1990: Noen må ha vore her før
  • 1994: Dikt i samling 1968-1990
  • 1996: Slik Sett
  • 2000: Til stades
  • 2001: Samla dict, 1968-2000
  • 2004: Kvifor måtte Nora gå?
  • 2005: Flokken og skuggen
  • 2008: Modernisme eller litterær populisme? Eit essay by Arne Garborg and Knut Hamsun ○

German-language publications

  • You have to decide now , recognize u. a. In: the hear . No. 163: The foreign in close proximity. Literature & Art from Norway . Wirtschaftsverlag, Bremerhaven 1991, ISSN  0018-4942 .
  • Gjenkjennelsen / Recognition . Translated from the Norwegian by Hannah Möckel-Riehe. Norske Samlaget, Oslo / Kleinheinrich, Münster 1992, ISBN 3-926608-74-9 .
  • Gjennomblikk. painter, graphic art, kunstnerbok, sculpture, installation, photography, performance / perspectives . In: On texts by Eldrid Lunden . (Ed .: Gerlinde Creutzburg; Inga Rensch; Transl .: Verena Krusché and Mareike Holfeld). Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop, Edition Hohes Ufer, Ahrenshoop 2000, ISBN 3-934216-07-2 .


  • Dag Aanderaa: Eldrid Lunden . In: Store norske leksikon . [1]
  • Sigrid Bø Grønstøl: Eldrid Lunden . In: Allkunne. Nynorsk cultural history . [2]
  • Ole Karlsen: Lunden på sitt best . In: Dag og Tid. Fri vekeavis for culture and politics of October 29, 2005.
  • Janke Klok: Eldrid Lunden . In: Norway - Poetry International Web .
  • Unni Langås: Dialogues in poetry. An Essay on Eldrid Lunden . Alvheim & Eide, Fyllingsdalen 2010. ( PDF )
  • Thomas Seiler: Eldrid Lunden: The lyrical work . In: Kindlers Neues Literaturlexikon , supplement volume 22, Munich 1998, pp. 53–55.
  • Thomas Seiler: Modernism . In: Jürg Glauser (editor): Scandinavian literary history . Metzler , Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-476-01973-X .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The foreign in close proximity. Literature & Art from Norway . they hear . No. 163. Bremerhaven 1991, page 220.
  2. ^ Scandinavian literary history . Metzler, Stuttgart 2006, page 304.
  3. Dag Aanderaa: Eldrid Lunden . In: Store norske leksikon .
  4. Extract from Recognition . Translated by Hannah Möckel-Rieke. In: the hear . No. 163: The foreign in close proximity. Literature & Art from Norway . Wirtschaftsverlag, Bremerhaven 1991, page 165.