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Eleusinos ( Greek  Ἐλευσῖνος ), Eleusis ( Ἐλευσίς ) or Eleusius is the eponymous hero of the city of Eleusis in Greek mythology .

He is the son of Hermes and the Oceanid Daeira (also an epithet of Demeter ). With Kothonea he has the son Triptolemus . When Demeter holds the Triptolemus in the fire during the night to make him immortal, she is disturbed by Eleusinos. When he breaks out in horrified screams, thinking that his son will be burned, the goddess kills him.



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mythographi Vaticani 2, 97.
  2. According to Servius, the mother's name is Cyntinia, according to the Mythographi Vaticani 2, 96 Hionia. All names seem corrupt, cf. Roscher.