Eleven countries agreement

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The eleven-state agreement is an agreement between the states of the Federal Republic of Germany on the mutual recognition of the academic part of the technical college entrance qualification (FHR) in the upper level of the gymnasium . The agreement with Baden-Württemberg, Berlin and Thuringia has now been expanded to include 14 countries.


The agreement was concluded between the following eleven countries:

A student with the school part of the technical college entrance qualification obtained at a state school cannot automatically study at a technical college in every German country .

In addition to the school part, there may also be further formal requirements for a (relevant) professional activity ( training , professional and / or internship in a recognized training occupation or similar). Military and community service are partly taken into account.

The recognition procedures with regard to the practical previous education (professional part) vary between the individual universities of applied sciences, which is why you should inform yourself in advance at the relevant university of applied sciences.