Elisabeth pound

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Elisabeth Pfund as Elisabeth Hess (born June 6, 1946 in Bern ; † February 25, 2006 in Geneva , Switzerland ) was a Swiss graphic artist and graphic designer specializing in commercial graphics , as well as a photographer , artist and dancer .

life and work

Elisabeth Pfund attended ballet vocational school in Bern and did further training in ballet in Paris , London and Amsterdam . She went on numerous tours and guest performances.

From 1969 there was a free artistic collaboration with the Swiss graphic artist Roger Pfund . In 1970/1971 Roger and Elisabeth Pfund took part in the competition to design new banknotes. Since the Swiss National Bank finally decided in favor of the notes by Ernst & Ursula Hiestand , the designs by Roger and Elisabeth Pfund were only taken into account for the design of the reserve series of banknotes.

In 1972 the drafts for new banknotes for the Swiss National Bank were shown at Documenta 5 in Kassel in the department Parallel Imagery: Social Iconography .

In addition to dancing, Elisabeth Pfund also worked as a painter , graphic artist, photographer and illustrator .


  • Exhibition catalog: documenta 5. Survey of Reality - Imagery Today . Catalog (as a file folder) Volume 1: (Material); Volume 2: (list of exhibits); Kassel 1972
  • documenta archive (ed.): Resubmission d5 - A survey of the archive on documenta 1972 . Kassel / Ostfildern 2001, ISBN 3-7757-1121-X

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