Elven - river from the cold

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Television series
German title Elven - river from the cold
Original title Elven
Country of production Norway
original language Norwegian
year 2017
Arctic Wonder
length 43 minutes
Episodes 8th
genre Thriller , Nordic noir
Director Arne Berggren ,
Margret Bergheim
idea Kristine Berg ,
Arne Berggren
script Kristine Berg,
Arne Berggren
production Kornelia Lund
music Geirmund Simonsen
camera Martin Jørgensen Edelsteen
First broadcast March 16, 2017 on TV3

First publication in German
August 22nd, 2018 on Arte media library

Elven - river from the Cold (Original title: Elven ) is an 8-piece Norwegian thriller - television series of 2017. The action takes place north of the Arctic Circle , in a sparsely populated Norwegian area near the border with Finland and Russia , and revolves around a Policeman who tries to uncover a conspiracy and is also confronted with his own family history.


The 11-year-old Silja finds a severed male hand on a river bank, whereupon the police officer Thomas Lønnhøiden starts an investigation. A little later, Silja runs away from home because of family problems and so happens to find herself in a remote sawmill, where she watches a man dismembering human corpses. She runs away from the man before she is found dead on a nearby Norwegian military base, a military training area. Thomas' supervisor, the police chief, withdraws Thomas from the investigation to his amazement, since the secret service is now conducting it. This decision suspicious of Thomas determined yet further and tracked to Silja's way between her disappearance and her death back, with him also wild cameras help, which he discovered in the forest. In this way he arrives at the sawmill on the military site with the body parts that he photographs with his cell phone. The old man who sawed up the corpses threatens him with a rifle and, before he can answer Thomas, is ambushed by an army recruit. Minutes later, the leading Norwegian secret service agent Dahl arrives at the scene and wants to take over the investigation from Thomas.

It becomes clear that Sundby, the head of the military base, is cooperating with both the police chief and Thomas' uncle Karl, who is a retired civil servant, as well as the recruit and others, to clarify the truth about Silja and the death Man in the sawmill to hide from Thomas and the public. This can also be seen in a flimsy press release that a journalist, from Thomas' point of view, processed too uncritically for a newspaper report. Mia Holt, a young non-commissioned officer at the military base, does not receive any valid explanation from Sundby as to why the recruit fired live ammunition, and steals a document from his desk that shows that there is a genetic relative of Thomas among the dismembered corpses is located. Therefore, she turns to Thomas with the request to investigate the deaths together. Sundby soon notices the information theft, so he wants to seize her, but she can escape him and the military base at the last minute. She meets with Thomas, who wants to interview Karl with her. When they get to him, he has already hanged himself, and - still unknown to them - at the instigation of Dahl, who is in contact with Sundby.

The relationship to one of the corpses is the reason for Thomas to question the official death circumstances of his parents known to him. You once died when a Norwegian civil aircraft crashed during the Cold War , a crash over Russian territory, the cause of which has so far been explained by human error. Thomas observes with Mia Jensen and is certain that he is hiding information about the death of Karl and his parents. Thereupon Thomas and Mia take Jensen hostage in his house, confront him and learn from him that the cause of the crash is probably different from the previously known and goes back to a defector . Meanwhile, Elise Bredal begins to inquire about the plane crash. She is the granddaughter of the pilot of the plane that crashed and wants to clear up any discrepancies that her grandmother, the pilot's widow, made aware of shortly before her recent death.

After the hostage-taking, Thomas and Mia set off for Russia by car. They also defend themselves against the heavily armed pursuit sent by Sundby. At a Russian military base, Thomas hopes to find information about the person responsible for the plane crash. Armed Russians seize him and Mia and bring them to a man who turns out to be Thomas' father, who is not yet dead and speaks briefly with Thomas before he bitterly commits suicide. Meanwhile, Dahl has been confronted by Elisa for information about the circumstances of her grandfather's death. An old photo gave him a hint that the local restaurant has apparently been a meeting place for Russian agents for decades. Dahl then arrests the restaurant's bartender, Björn. During the interrogation Björn gives him information about Silja's mother Grace, who he has previously employed in his restaurant. She works as a Russian agent and wants to go back to Russia, for which Björn recently put her in a hiding place so that she can be picked up soon. When Dahl arrives in the hiding place, a house, Grace escapes undetected. Dahl also discovers that the house belongs to an old man who lives in the village and is apparently ideologically attached to communism . In the old man's house, Dahl notices a photo of Thomas' father, taken several years after his alleged death.

Thomas goes back to Norway with Mia and demands answers from Dahl to his questions at Sundby's military base. Dahl explains to him that Thomas' father once worked for the Norwegian secret service and was considered a psychopath there. To convince the Russians to hire him as a KGB agent, he faked his death in the plane crash. Dahl and the Norwegian secret service knew of a defector, but did not know his identity, only through Thomas' efforts they got it. The body parts, one of which Silja had found by the river, come from the plane that crashed and have been preserved in the surrounding ice at the crash site since before it recently began to thaw excessively.

Meanwhile, at the last minute, Grace decided against returning to Russia. She returns to the village and in the village church, also out of religious conviction, confesses to the community that she has sinned, also by betraying her country, Norway. Shortly afterwards she is shot on her way back from the church.

Mia is finally officially suspended from duty, but Dahl secretly thanks her for completing her assignment for the Norwegian secret service to help find the defector.


The German dubbed version was created by the Cologne company Splendid Synchron under the dialogue direction of Ilya Welter , who was also responsible for the dialogue book .

actor Role name Voice actor role
Espen Reboli Bjerke Thomas Lønnhøiden Olaf Reitz Policeman, nephew of Karl Lønnhøiden
Sigmund Sæverud Hans-Gerd Kilbinger Old communist
Thomas Hayes August Wildhagen Arne Obermeyer recruit
Stig Henrik Hoff Bjørn Tobias Brecklinghaus barkeeper
Dennis Storhøi Dahl Gregor Höppner Norwegian secret service agent
Hanne Mathisen Haga Elise Bredal Demet Fey Granddaughter of the pilot of the crashed plane
Ánne Mággá Wigelius Grace Anti Svenja water Mother of Silja
John Sigurd Kristensen Karl Lønnhøiden Volker Niederfahrenhorst Uncle of Thomas Lønnhøiden, employee of the military counter-intelligence
Ingeborg Sundrehagen Raustol Mia Holt Milena Karas Sergeant at the military base
Erik Smith-Meyer Jensen Police chief
Roger Hilleren Sundby Officer at the Norwegian military base


The first broadcast of the episodes took place on the Norwegian television channel TV3 from March 16 to May 4, 2017 on a weekly basis. The audience ratings were not particularly high, the audience was only 212,000, although it is not known which episodes this number applies to.

The German first publication was in the Arte media library on August 22nd and 29th, 2018 with three episodes each and on September 5th, 2018 with the two remaining episodes. One day afterwards, Arte broadcast the corresponding episodes in the evening program.


Critics of the German media judged the series to be unimpressed and mediocre. They found it to be exciting, gloomy and - based on the landscape - visually appealing, but also as surprising and not consistently convincing. In the Berliner Morgenpost, for example, Anne Dieckhoff criticized the narrative as wooden and the police chief Jensen as "involuntarily funny in his stilted nervousness". In the Frankfurter Rundschau , DJ Frederiksson found the series to be an example of the fact that the Nordic Noir genre or the Scandinavian thriller " has become the expected mainstream in terms of content and aesthetics ". Jan Freitag judged in the Tagesspiegel that Elven was a series “based on the tried and tested Scandic Noir recipe”. It is by no means unsuccessful and atmospherically rousing, but "the conspiracy-theoretical fluffed content" sometimes seems "overloaded". In the FAZ , Matthias Hannemann said that the series lacks “a sense of the inner workings of its characters”, that the actors played “relatively unemotional” and that the dialogues were “often weak”, but that they still tell a delightful story.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Elven - River out of the cold. In: synchronkartei.de. German dubbing file , accessed on November 23, 2019 .
  2. Jan Friday: Conspiracy in the middle of the idyll , in: Stuttgarter Nachrichten of August 23, 2018, accessed on Nov. 23, 2019
  3. ↑ List of episodes at fernsehserien.de , accessed on Nov. 23, 2019
  4. Anne Dieckhoff: Not all characters are convincing in the Arte thriller “Elven” , in: Berliner Morgenpost from 23 Aug. 2018, accessed on 24 Nov. 2019
  5. DJ Frederiksson: Scandinavian Standard , in: Frankfurter Rundschau from Aug. 22, 2018, accessed on Nov. 24, 2019
  6. Jan Friday: According to the tried and tested Scandic Noir recipe , in: Der Tagesspiegel from 22 Aug 2018, accessed on 24 Nov 2019
  7. ^ Matthias Hannemann: Corpse in the restricted area , in: FAZ from 23 Aug. 2018, accessed on 24 Nov. 2019