Emil Baader

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Emil Baader (born February 18, 1891 in Göschweiler ; † November 2, 1967 in Lahr / Black Forest ) was a German teacher and local researcher.


Baader came as the son of the innkeeper and beer brewer Kornel Baader (1858–1909) and his wife Rosina, nee. Binninger, (1859–1927) to the world. From 1897 he attended primary school in Göschweiler and in 1901 switched to secondary school in Waldshut , which he graduated in 1907. This was followed by a two-year training course at the teachers' college in Ettlingen , which he finished in 1909 with the teaching examinations for elementary schools. In the following years he taught at elementary schools in Weiterdingen , Konstanz , Radolfzell , Karsau , Emmendingen and Ubstadt, among others . His military service in the artillery interrupted his professional career between 1915 and 1918. From 1920 until his retirement in 1956 he was a teacher at elementary schools in Bretzingen , Buchen and Lahr .

In addition to his job as a teacher, he worked as a local researcher. He published on the history of the Ortenau and the Odenwald and was editor of Der Wartturm , Heimatblatt for the Franconian region of Baden . In the Baden region he set up more than 200 "home and memorial rooms", mostly in inns.

Works (selection)

  • Country and people in the upper Ortenau , 1937
  • Sunny Geroldsecker Land , 1947
  • Land of high skies. A home book of memories . (Reprint Schauenburg-Verlag, Lahr / Schwarzwald 1991)
  • Country and people of the Buchen administrative district . Verlag Karl Volk, Buchen (Odenwald) 1928 (Reprint 1983)


  • 1965: Home Prize of the Lahr district
  • 1966: Honorary citizen of Göschweiler
  • 1967: Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Honorary member of the Badische Heimat
