Emil Starkenstein

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Emil Starkenstein (born December 18, 1884 in Ronsperg , Bohemia ; † November 6, 1942 in Mauthausen concentration camp ) was a pharmacologist .


After attending school, Starkenstein studied medicine and pharmacology at the Karl Ferdinand University in Prague , where he worked temporarily and after completing his doctorate as a research assistant at the Institute for Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy . He later became a private lecturer and finally an associate professor in 1920 .

In 1929 he was appointed as the successor to Wilhelm Friedrich Wiechowski (1873-1928) professor and full professor for experimental pharmacology and pharmacognosy at the Karl Ferdinand University in Prague and as such also took over the position of head of the Institute for Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy. During this time, Leopold Ther was one of his students, whose doctoral supervisor was Starkenstein in 1937.

From 1929 to 1939 he headed the institute as director and teacher. In March 1939 Wehrmacht troops occupied the "rest of Czech Republic" ; after that, Starkenstein's license to teach was withdrawn because of his Jewish origins . Gustav Kuschinsky was his successor .

Shortly afterwards he emigrated to the Netherlands . There he was arrested in 1941 and taken to the Mauthausen concentration camp, where he died under unexplained circumstances at the end of 1942. Emil Starkenstein was elected a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in 1932 . A memorial stele of the Leopoldina in memory of nine members of the academy who were murdered in the concentration camps of the National Socialists or died of the inhumane and cruel conditions of the camp imprisonment also reminds of Emil Starkenstein.


In addition to his teaching activities, Starkenstein wrote numerous specialist books and articles in specialist journals on clinical pharmacology , immunodiagnostics and immunotherapy as well as toxicology . His textbook on toxicology , written in 1929 - together with Eugen Rost (1870–1953) and Julius Pohl - remained the standard work in German-speaking countries for decades . His other publications also include:

  • The newer drugs and the pharmacological basis of their application in medical practice , co-author Alexander Skutetzky, 1914 urn : nbn: de: hbz: 061: 2-20654
  • Family research , 1920
  • The doctor and his book: Dem Arzte u. Book friends Dr. Dedicated to Erik Waller , 1938
  • The Influence of Experimental Pharmacological Research on the Detection and Prevention of Pharmacotherapeutic Errors , 1923
  • Julius Pohl on his 70th birthday . In: Clinical weekly. Volume 10, No. 44 of October 31, 1931, p. 2063
  • Textbook of pharmacology, toxicology and drug prescription , 1938



A foundation established in 1989 is named after him (based in Rotterdam (Netherlands)).

Web links and sources

See also


  1. Leopoldina erects a stele in memory of Nazi victims (2009)
  2. Homepage