Julius Pohl

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Julius Heinrich Pohl (born  November 1, 1861 in Prague , †  September 27, 1942 in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel ) was a German pharmacologist and biochemist . From 1897 to 1911 he was professor of pharmacology at the German University of Prague and then until 1928 as professor of pharmacology at the University of Breslau .


Julius Pohl was born in Prague in 1861 and also completed high school in his hometown and from 1879 to 1883 studied medicine at the German University in Prague . He received his doctorate in November 1884 and then became an assistant to Franz Hofmeister at the University's Pharmacological Institute . In March 1892 he obtained his habilitation in the subject of experimental pharmacology, three years later he was appointed associate professor.

After Hofmeister's move to the University of Strasbourg , Julius Pohl was appointed to his successor as a full professor for pharmacology in January 1897. In the winter semester of 1911, he moved to the University of Breslau , where he succeeded Wilhelm Filehne as professor of pharmacology and worked until his retirement in 1928. He spent his retirement in Wandsbek near Hamburg and died in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel in 1942 .

Scientific work

Julius Pohl published around 50 scientific publications and dealt, among other things, with the breakdown and excretion of methanol , ethanol and drugs , which makes him a co-founder of pharmacokinetics . In further studies, the results of which were important for the lipid theory of anesthesia postulated later by Hans Horst Meyer and Ernest Overton , he focused on the distribution and metabolism of chloroform . He also researched the purine metabolism and the protein balance of the organism, in particular catabolic reactions in diseases, as well as the detoxification of mineral acids and organic acids .


Julius Pohl was appointed to the Secret Medical Council in 1918 and was a member of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina from 1926 . He was also a member of the German Society of Science and the Arts in Prague.

Works (selection)

  • Toxicology: A Textbook for Physicians, Medical Officials, and Medical Students. Berlin and Vienna 1929 (as co-author)
  • Working with body protein. In: Emil Abderhalden : Handbook of biological working methods. Berlin and Vienna 1922, pp. 585–595


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