Emilio Sotomayor Baeza

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Emilio Sotomayor Baeza

Emilio Sotomayor Baeza (* 1826 in Melipilla , Chile , † 1894 in Santiago de Chile ) was colonel in the saltpeter war 1879-1883, later a general .

He began his military career in the Chilean National Guard in 1847 as a lieutenant . In 1851 he was made a captain for his services in crushing the military revolt that year. In 1859 he was appointed commander of the artillery in Valparaíso .

On February 14, 1879, he landed with an expeditionary force in Antofagasta and led the Chilean troops at the Battle of Dolores on November 27, 1879. The battles of Miraflores and Chorrillos followed . He was also involved in the conquest of Lima , the capital of Peru .

In 1884 he was appointed general and died in Santiago de Chile in 1894.