Celadet Ali Bedirxan

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Celadet Ali Bedirxan

Celadet Ali Bedirxan (born April 26, 1893 in Istanbul , † July 15, 1951 in Damascus ) was a son of Emin Ali Bedirxan , a writer , linguist , journalist , politician, and an advocate for national recognition of the Kurds .

When his grandfather Bedirxan Beg and his family came into exile in Istanbul after an uprising against the Ottomans in 1847, Celadet Ali was born in Istanbul. There he attended school up to intermediate level. During the First World War he fought as an Ottoman soldier on the Caucasus front against the Russian Empire .

Celadet Ali Bedirxan, like others in his family, was a member of Kürdistan Teali Cemiyeti, which was founded in 1918 . He met, among others, with the British espionage officer Edward William Charles Noel , who was touring the area to learn more about the Kurds. In 1919, on behalf of the British government, Edward William Charles Noel was supposed to blow up the National Congress of the new Turkish national movement Mustafa Kemal and take Mustafa Kemal prisoner. This failed.

In 1922 Celadet Ali Bedirxan went to Germany with his brother Kamuran . There he continued his law studies at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . He mastered several languages ​​such as French , German , Russian in addition to Arabic , Turkish , Kurdish and possibly Greek .

Celadet Ali Bedirxan was an opponent of the Kemalists, as they were against the establishment of a Kurdish state. So after the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 he went to Cairo and then to Syria in 1927 . In Lebanon in 1927 he founded the Xoybûn organization with other Kurdish tribal leaders and intellectuals and became its first chairman. After the suppression of the Ararat uprising , which the Xoybun had largely organized, he went to Iran . He was later expelled by the Iranian Shah for his political activities. After a short stay in Iraq , he returned to Syria in 1930.

In the 1930s he published several works on the Kurdish language , also under the pseudonym Herekol Azizan . He published two Kurdish-language magazines with the titles "Hawar" (cry for help) (from 1932) and "Ronahi" (brightness) (from 1942). In 1935 he married his paternal cousin Ruşen Bedirxan, the daughter of Mehmed Bedirxan. They had three children: Safder, who was baptized with this name in memory of Bedirxan's brother, died in childhood, and Cemşîd and Sînemxan. Together with Roger Lescot , he edited a grammar on Kurmanji . His merit was the creation of a Latin alphabet for the Kurdish language ( Kurdish-Latin alphabet ). He died in a traffic accident in Damascus in 1951.


  1. Nivêjên Êzidiyan (The Yazidi Prayers)
  2. Ji Mesela Kurdistanê (On the Kurdistan Problem), in Hawar journal, vol. 45
  3. Emir Djelalet Bedir Khan and Roger Lescot: Kurdish grammar. Verlag Kultur und Wissenschaft, Bonn 1986. (Kurmandschi) ISBN 3-926105-50-X


  1. Life and work of Celadet Ali Bedirxan in Kurdish
  2. "Mír Jeladet Alí Bedir Xan" in Kurdish Academy
  3. The Bedirxan family and their political significance for the Kurdish people
  4. Kurdish alphabet and the basics of Kurdish grammar, in Kurdish

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Barbara Henning: Narratives of the History of the Ottoman-Kurdish Bedirhani Family in Imperial and Post-Imperial Contexts: Continuities and Changes . University of Bamberg Press, 2018, ISBN 978-3-86309-551-2 ( google.ch [accessed November 19, 2018]).
  2. ^ Anne Sophie Schott: The Kurds of Syria. Royal Danish Defense College, SS 6 , accessed August 29, 2018 .