Emma Brunner-Traut

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Emma Brunner-Traut (born December 25, 1911 in Frankfurt am Main , † January 18, 2008 in Tübingen ) was a German Egyptologist .


Emma Traut had a great musical talent and initially wanted to be a concert pianist. At the time of her Abitur, however, she met the Egyptologist Hellmut Brunner (1913–1997), who inspired her for Egyptology and whom she married in 1937. After studying Egyptology, she received her doctorate in 1937 with a thesis on "Dance in Ancient Egypt". In 1937/38 she accompanied her husband on his travel grant from the German Archaeological Institute to Egypt and took part in excavations by Hermann Junker in Gizeh and Günther Roeder in Hermopolis .

After the Second World War , she followed her husband to Tübingen in 1951. In addition to her academic work, she became involved in the Stuttgart private study society , in which the publisher Ernst Klett was also involved at the time . She was scientifically active in the collection of the Archaeological Institute in Tübingen and, among other things, was instrumental in designing the two-volume catalog published in 1981.

In 1963 her “Ancient Egyptian Fairy Tales” appeared for the first time (8th edition 1989). At the same time she published the "Ancient Egyptian Animal Stories and Fables" (6th edition 1980) with reconstructions of stories handed down on reliefs and drawings.

In her work “Early Forms of Knowledge” (2nd edition 1992) she contrasted the essential aspects of the ancient Egyptian way of thinking and representing the Greek-occidental culture. In 1998 her "Daily Life Among the Pharaohs" was published and she dealt with the history of Egyptian religions, especially the Copts . In 1984 she and her husband organized a large exhibition in Stuttgart under the motto "Osiris - Cross - Half Moon" . In addition to her work in Tübingen and Stuttgart, she also worked for the Egyptian museums in Munich and Berlin . Emma Brunner-Traut lived in Tübingen until her death. She found her final resting place in the Tübingen mountain cemetery .

In 1964 she was made a full member of the German Archaeological Institute. She has also been accepted as a member of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research. In 1972 she was awarded the title of professor.

She became known to a wider public, among other things, through the first edition she published in 1962 and then repeatedly reissued and updated travel guides for Egyptians.

Publications (selection)

  • The dance in ancient Egypt. According to pictorial and inscribed certificates , dissertation University of Munich 1938 (3rd edition Glückstadt 1992).
  • The ancient Egyptian shards (Bildostraka) of the German museums and collections . Steiner, Wiesbaden 1956.
  • Ancient Egyptian fairy tales. Diederichs, Düsseldorf / Cologne 1963.
  • Egypt. Study tour guide with regional studies. Hans E. Günther, GVS, Stuttgart 1966.
  • Ancient Egyptian animal history and fable. Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 1970.
  • The ancient Egyptians. Hidden life among pharaohs . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1974, ISBN 3-17-001882-5 .
  • The ancient Egyptian burial chamber of Seschemnofers III. from Gîsa. A foundation of the Privy Councilor Dr. hc Ernst von Sieglin to the University of Tübingen . Zabern, Mainz 1977 (2nd edition 1982).
  • (together with Hellmut Brunner): The Egyptian Collection of the University of Tübingen . Two volumes. Zabern, Mainz 1981, ISBN 3-8053-0416-1 .
  • Little Egyptology. From the pharaohs to today . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-17-007406-7 (4th edition 2000).
  • Egypt. Art and Travel guide with regional studies. 6th, improved edition, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3-17-010192-7 .
  • Lived Myths: Contributions to Ancient Egyptian Myth. 3rd edition, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1988, ISBN 3-534-08425-X .
  • The great religions of the ancient Orient and antiquity. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-17-011976-1 .
  • Early forms of cognition - using the example of ancient Egypt. Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 1990, ISBN 3-534-08149-8 .
  • The Copts - Life and Teaching of the Early Christians in Egypt. Herder, Freiburg 2000, ISBN 3-451-04815-9 .


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