Endopleura uchi

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Endopleura uchi
Eurosiden I
Order : Malpighiales (Malpighiales)
Family : Humiriaceae
Genre : Endopleura
Type : Endopleura uchi
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Endopleura uchi
( Huber ) Cuatrec.

Endopleura uchi is a tree in the Humiriaceae family from northern Brazil to Venezuela and Bolivia . It is the only species in the genus Endopleura .


Endopleura uchi grows as an evergreen tree up to 30 meters high. The trunk diameter reaches about 60-90 centimeters. The brownish-gray bark is smooth and easily cracked.

The simple, short-stalked and leathery, almost bare leaves are alternate. The weakly winged petiole is 1–2.5 inches long. The acuminate to tailed or pointed, finely sawn, notched leaves are eilanceolate or oblong to lanceolate to obscure eilanceolate, they are 10–20 centimeters long and 3–8 centimeters wide. The veins are pinnate with indistinct, fine side veins.

There are axillary, very short and zymös- panicles formed, short-haired inflorescences. The fragrant, very small and hermaphrodite, short-stalked flowers are greenish-whitish with a double flower envelope . There are very small, persistent props and bracts . The minimal, rounded 5 fine-bristled sepals are almost free. The 5 narrow, egg-shaped, free and thick petals with fine bristles on the outside are up to 3.5 millimeters long. There are 20–30 stamens of unequal length, short and fused at the base , with papillary, thick stamens, 10 are long and the other, alternating, with different anthers, are shorter. The spherical, five-chambered and bald ovary is on top with a relatively short stylus with a heady, lobed stigma . There is a ten-lobed disc at the base of the ovary .

There are green to yellow, brownish spotted to brownish, ovate to ellipsoidal, about 4-7 centimeters long, smooth and mehrsamige, dünnledrige drupes formed. The carved, woody and longitudinally ribbed stone core contains 2-3 seeds and is very hard. The seeds are elongated and 2–3 inches long.


The first description of Basionym Sacoglottis uchi in 1898 by Jacob E. Huber in Bol. Mus. Paraense Hist. Nat. Ethnogr. 2: 489. The division into the new genus Endopleura took place in 1961 by José Cuatrecasas in Contr. US Natl. Herb. 35: 81.


The fruits (Uxi, Uchi) with their resinous-oily and floury-granular, yellow pulp are edible. The fruits of Duckesia verrucosa are similar .

The heavy and durable wood is used for some applications.


  • José Cuatrecasas: A Taxonomic Revision of the Humiriaceae. In: Systematic Plant Studies. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, 1961, 25–214, online (PDF; 14 MB), at DSpace Repository - Smithsonian Institution.
  • Food and fruit-bearing forest species. 3: Examples from Latin America , FAO Forestry Paper 44/3, FAO, 1986, ISBN 92-5-102372-7 , pp. 117 ff.
  • Harri Lorenzi: Árvores Brasileiras. Vol. 2, Instituto Plantarum, 1998, ISBN 85-86714-07-0 , p. 109, online at StuDocu.
  • Kenneth J. Wurdack, Charles E. Zartman: Insights on the systematics and morphology of Humiriaceae (Malpighiales): androecial and extrafloral nectary variation, two new combinations, and a new Sacoglottis from Guyana. In: PhytoKeys. 124, 2019, pp. 87-121, doi: /10.3897/phytokeys.124.34679 .

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